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Kakashi's POV:
"Hey Naruto, I don't want anymore, you can have mine too" Sasuke saids, I looks beside Naruto to looks at Sasuke better and as I do. I see Sasuke grinning, "that's weird why is he grinning and why did he give Naruto his Ramen" I thought to myself.

I shook my head and looked ahead of me "ugh I'm thinking too much, like why do I care haha" I thought to myself as I fix my mask.

3rd person:
Sasuke noticed Kakashi looking a bit bothered, he then chuckled a bit and looked away. "wait really" Naruto said with a big bright smile on his face. "Yeah yeah whatever, I wasn't even that hungry anyways" Sasuke saids while he stands up.

"Thank you Sasuke haha" Naruto saids as he eats his two half full bowls of ramen. Sasuke takes a glance of Naruto and Kakashi. "Pff why Naruto of all people" Sasuke thinks to himself as he walks out. "I'm leaving" Sasuke saids.

"Okay bye Sasuke thank you for the ramen, see you tomorrow at training" Naruto saids looking back at Sasuke. "Yeah yeah whatever" Sasuke saids as he looks away and walks out. Naruto turns back to his ramen and continues to eat.

"Uh you know what Naruto haha, I'll pay" Kakashi said as he looks at Naruto. Naruto faces Kakashi "really wow thanks Kakashi Sensei" Naruto saids with a smile. "Yeah no problem I mean you did just get back and you completed your first mission since you came back" Kakashi said with a closed eye smile while scratching his head.

"Haha yeah I guess your right" Naruto takes a deep breath "wow I haven't been here in so long, I missed the village and all my friends here" Naruto saids facing Kakashi. "Haha yeah I bet, well maybe we should go home so you can rest Naruto" Kakashi said looking at Naruto. "Oh yeah haha right we probably should" Naruto said looking down trying to hide the sad look on his face.

Naruto's POV:
"Haha yeah I bet, well maybe we should go home so you can rest Naruto" Kakashi said facing me. Going home huh those words hurt me a bit since I honestly didn't really want to go home. It's just so lonely and it's quiet at home but when I'm with all my friends and people I love and care for, I feel happy and not as lonely.

"Oh yeah haha right we probably should" I say while looking down trying to hide the sad look that is on my face. I stand up and face Kakashi with a smile on my face "well let's go then haha" I say starting to walk out. Now I think of it, I didn't see Kakashi pull his mask down to eat but how hmm. I thought to myself as I walk out.

Kakashi's POV:
"Oh yeah haha right we probably should" Naruto said while looking down which makes me not be able to see his face. Hmm why did it seem like Naruto got really bummed out right now. Naruto stands up and faces me with a smile on his face. "Well let's go then haha" Naruto saids as he starts walking out.

Hmm it must be hard for him to be alone and not have anybody to go home too. Even though he has so many friends and people who care and love him, I understand when there gone even if there not gone gone it still hurts and it feels lonely.

Hmm "hey Naruto" I say running out and stopping in front of him. "How about you stay over at my place tonight" I say with a closed eye smile.

619 words

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