The Solution

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After two to three days, one of his hostel roommates, Shawn, came to John's house to meet him after bunking the class. At that time, John's father was not in the house, so it was easy for John to talk to him. He asked John about the whole matter. He said that he and Selina loved each other but the love letters were fake. He also told that he suspected Jessy for all the events. When Shawn asked the reason for his suspecting, John started telling the events that happened at the past.

It was two years ago, when John was a third year student and his then girlfriend, Kate, the daughter of Jessy Walker, also read with him in his college. They were too much happy with each other. As Kate was a sensitive and coward girl, John always afraided of her. One night, he and she had gone to a pub and enjoyed too much. But after drinking many shots of vodka, they both became too much drunk and were couldn't able to walk. Kate told John to stay at her house that night as her mother had gone to Kate's aunt's house. Not able to control himself, John hugged her tight and slept with her on her bed. But they just forgot to lock the door, so next morning when Jessy reached home, she saw them sleeping with each other. Then, she became too much angry and shouted at them.
Then, John ran away from there. After some days, Kate wanted to talk to him. She told him that she wanted to break up with him as her mother don't liked him. He became shocked and angry. Then, he insulted her and told that he also wanted to break up with her as he don't liked her mother. A crying and upset Kate ran away from there and their love story came to an end.

Now in present, he had started thinking that, for that incident Jessy wanted to take revenge. Shawn became shocked after hearing the whole matter. As it was late for Shawn to go back to college, he told John " Bye bye". Then, John vowed to not spare her. He started making plans. One day, he met Jessy in the road and told her "I know it's you who did the whole drama and soon I will reveal the truth to everyone." Then, she replied " Let's see who will win."

First, he thought to befriend her daughter and use her to know the whole thing. At night, he entered his father's room like a thief and took his phone, from where he wrote the phone number of Kate on his hand. Then next day, he called her through a STD booth and started crying that his heart had broken again and he wanted to meet her as fast as she can. So, she met him at evening, without informing her mother. He told her that a girl left him, telling that he don't deserve her. Kate became upset after seeing him crying. He also told her, that he want her as a good friend. She told him that she will be with him till the end. She told him, that he was her life's last love and she got no one after him. Hearing this, he became too much delighted. Then, they started roaming here and there, having fun with each other. Then, he started executing his plan.

Second, he asked her that "Do you know where I can copy someone's handwriting?" She told him that she knows a man who can do it. He was a friend of her mother. Kate gave him, the man's phone number. Then, he called him through the STD booth and asked for his address. After that, he went to the man's house, where John showed him, his own handwritings and Selina's handwritings and asked him "Did Jessy Walker told him to copy the handwritings?". Then, he told "Yes, she told me to write two love letters in that handwritings." Then, he became sure and got a proof. So, before leaving he told the man, the whole matter and requested him to give help. After listening the whole matter, the man became ashamed of his friend and gave him assurance to help him.

Then, at evening,when his father asked him about studies, he realized that he had didn't completed his syllabus. As only two weeks were left for his exams, he started studying. After two weeks, on the exam day, he came to college after one month. After the exam was finished, before leaving, he called that man through a friend's phone and told to come to the college. Then, with the man, John entered the principal's room and started revealing the truth. He told "Sir, he is the guy who copied our handwritings in the fake love letters. He was ordered by Mrs. Jessy to do so. She wanted to take revenge for a personal incident." The man also agreed the whole matter. Then, the principal called Jessy in his room. After seeing her friend there, Jessy became shocked and asked the reason behind his coming there. When, the principal started shouting at her for ruining the lives of Selina and John, she asked for forgiveness for all that and in fear, she requested him not to suspend her. After the whole chaos, the principal decided to transfer her to faraway place in an ordinary college. After Jessy and her friend left the room, John requested the principal to give Selina, her job back. The principal replied "Yes, she will get her job back and you did a good job, young man." Then, he thanked him and left the room. John became happy that for first time, he did a good job. After a day, the principal mailed Selina to come back and join her post from the next session.

Selina became glad and asked him about what happened. After hearing the whole matter, her love and respect for John increased more. On the other hand, John's father started feeling proud of his son and his mother too. Everything became fine.

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