Chapter 8 (confessing)

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(Time skip to when they are 22 and are living in their own house tbh these feel a lot more like oneshots- idk why-)

Third person POV

Ray had woken up and got off the sofa. He was trying to find where Norman was and was no where to be found. He started to panick and saw Gilda and Emma "Gilda! Emma!" He yelled "Ray! You're awake!" Gilda replied "where's Norman?!" He yelled "He went outside to buy a few things" Emma replied "Oh.. Okay" he replied.

Norman's POV (:0 big man is out to bu-)

I was at a store just buying groceries and went to pay and got out. I was on my way home until a shop had caught my eye, I stopped in front of the shop and went in I saw teddy bears and small hair pins, I decided to buy those and go home.

I got home with a lot of bags "Norman what'd you buy? That's A LOT OF BAGS!" Emma said "Uh, groceries and some things for Ray" I answered "Oooo~ for Ray?" Emma said "Y-yeah now leave me alone and here are the bags the groceries are in" I said then gave the bag to Emma and Gilda and went to Ray's room to drop them off on Ray's bed and left a letter for him.

Ray's POV

I was going to go to bed after eating dinner and doing whatever I had to, Emma and Gilda had left the house already, Norman was showering and I just want to sleep. I got in my room and saw a note and a bag "..what's this?" I mumbled to myself 'a note?' I thought to myself and picked up the note and read it "hello Ray, it's me Norman. I decided to give you a small gift. I know it doesn't mean a lot but I hope you like it :D" I put the letter down and grabbed the two items that were in the bag. I got a hair pin and a teddy bear. I pinned the hair pin on my hair and hugged the bear for a bit then sat it down. I went to change into a hoodie and some shorts then went to bed.

Norman's POV (I switch POVs too quick)

I was peeking on Ray, he thought I was showering but I had done that a few minutes ago. I saw him read the letter, pin the hair pin on his hair and hugged the teddy bear for a bit. I decided to leave after that because he was bout to change.

I went to bed after that and fell asleep. (I'm having a fucking stomach ache holy it hurts-)

Ray's POV

I woke up around 6:00am and got out of my bed and went to change, I went out of my room with a white hoodie on the inside and a black shirt with some black ripped jeans and a chain hanging on my black shirt and some black shoes to fit. (I was imaging this in my head)

I walked out and Emma said "We're gonna go out today!" "Like you two on a date or sum?" I asked "N-NO!! We're going shopping Norman and you have to come!" Emma said "Oh okay, well looks like I'm already dressed" I replied "Yup! Now we just have to wait for Norman!" Emma yelled happily.

A few minutes passed Norman had already came out.

What they are wearing:

Emma: A white hoodie on the inside, an orange crop-top, short ripped jeans and some light pink sneakers to match.

Gilda: a light green crop-top with white collars and long sleeves, a white skirt and light green shoes.

Ray: already said it up there

Norman: a light blue shirt with black long sleeves, some normal ripped jeans and sneakers.

"I look hot" I said "you mean 'We'?" Emma said "no 'I' " I replied "you suck" Emma said "fuck you" I replied "Okay okay you two stop fighting" Norman said trying to calm us both down.

We got to the mall after a while, Emma and Gilda rushed into the clothing store while me and Norman went to StarBucks and bought ourselves some drinks and we knew the girls mostly Emma would whine about us not getting them drinks so we got them some as well.

We were just walking around Emma and Gilda kept leaving me and Norman alone for some reason until we got to this really pretty place with nobody here. We stayed for a while then Norman said "Ray?"


"I have something to confess.."

"What is it?"

"I-.. I like you.."

I was like a blushing mess not knowing how should I reply back. "I-I.." I couldn't speak without stuttering "it's okay if you don-" I cut him off by kissing him on the lips.

Norman's POV

I confessed to Ray then shut my eyes hopping he would accept it then a felt soft lips on my lips, it was Ray he kissed me. "I'll take that as an 'I love you too'." I said with a smile and Ray was like a blushing mess "EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" I heard the girls yell "WAIT YOU WERE HERE THE WHOLE TIME?!" Ray yelled back "YES! AND WE GOT IT ON CAMERA!!!" Emma yelled so loud almost the entire mall could hear her "shut up! You might attract attention from other people!" Ray yelled back again at Emma "fine fine".

We got back to the house, it was already a bit dark. We ate breakfast and watch TV for a bit then went to bed. Me and Ray were cuddling Emma and Gilda were also cuddling. (I ship these two so fricking much-)

Ayo finished writing this during online class lel anyways sorry for the short chapters I don't have much motivation rn- anyways byeee-

Word count: 986 words.

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