Chapter 9 (Last Chapter)

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(SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING I FELT DEAD oh and this might be the last chapter who knows)

-time skip-

Third person POV(trying this out lol)

'Graduation is tomorrow, i seriously can't wait to graduate and see my mother again!'   Ray thought to himself as Norman walked in to check up on him. "Ray, did you know that graduation is tomorrow?!" Norman said with an excited tone "yeah, I know, I know" the other replied "so, did you think about where you're gonna go for college and where you're gonna stay from there on?" Norman asked "no, I wasn't really planning to go to college." Ray said.

-time skip again-(sorry it's because I just woke up and im very lazy rn;-;)

Third person POV (still lol)

After Ray and Norman graduated, Ray decided to drive home and see Hi is mother again while Norman went to go visit Emma.

"Mom!" Ray called out "Ray?!" A familiar voice replied, Ray turned to the kitchen where his mother was "Ray! Oh I missed you so much!" His Mother said "Mom! I missed you too." Ray replied happily.

They sat at the dining table catching up with stuff. Ray decided to stay at his mother's place until he could afford a house and food.

Life was great for Ray, Norman would often visit him too.

(I'm sorry this chapter has very least amount of words it's just that I'm tired rn I also literally just woke up and my hands are very slippery for some reason, not to mention I haven't ate. I'm planning on doing some other fandoms like dsmp or smth idk)

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