10 Facts About Pwoopy

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Fun Fact #1: He has a rivalry with Pwee, who really sucks a lot. They once had a fight called "The Great War", and no one knows who won. But I'm sure we can all assume that both of them lost, since they're both so stupid that they could probably find a way to have 2 losers and no winners in a 2 person fight.

Fun Fact #2: He was the one who made the ground-breaking discovery and explanation for why you pwee more than you pwoo. The reason is that pwee is extremely disgusting and your body knows it so it tries to get rid of the pwee a lot more. And your body also knows that pwoo is really good and awesome so your body makes u pwoo less. And yes, Pwoopy actually did discover this. We know it's quite unbelievable that his pea-brain managed to think of this, but it really is true. We don't even know how he even managed to come up with this when he's so stupid, hopefully we'll have another ground-breaking discovery to answer that question soon.

Fun Fact #3: He was born on 1 Jan 2000! As quoted by his parents, "It was a terrible way to start the new millennium." Yup, even his own parents are extremely disappointed in him.

Fun Fact #4: He is a turd! He smells like a turd (stinks a whole lot), looks like a turd (extremely ugly), has a personality like a turd (rude and horrible), and his IQ level is also equal to that of a turd (the dumbest ever). Everyone else in Turd-City is a turd too, but he is the turd-iest!

Fun Fact #5: His IQ is 20303828! Negative 20303828. Not positive. There is no way that his IQ is positive, don't even think about it. He's just that stupid. He's dumber than a brick wall, and almost as dumb as Barry.

Fun Fact: #6: His vocabulary comes to an impressive total sum of 4. He also does not know how to read. Or write. And if you're wondering about the 4 words he does know, they're 'pwoo', 'pwee', 'pwoopy' and 'pwoop'.

Fun Fact #7: He has immortality, and he has been reborn many many times. He still remains as the same turd (sadly), with the same ugly looks, same horrible personality, same intelligence level, and same everything else. The only difference is that another point has been added to his 'how many times have I died' point keeper. So from this, you could probably tell that he is a really unlikeable turd and everyone just wants to kill him. Yay.

Fun Fact #8: Literally anything in the world could kill him. Like literally. Even a feather could do that. How could a feather possibly kill him? Oh, he'd just choke on it. Why would a feather be in his mouth in the first place? Because he would see it and think, 'Oh! I haven't tried that kind of sushi before.' And then he would eat it. That one single brain cell of his isn't exactly helpful.

Fun Fact #9: He has a very big crush on Pwoo. Sometimes he attempts to hide his one-sided crush, and sometimes he tries to flirt with Pwoo. Unfortunately, since his brain is practically microscopic, he doesn't do a very good job at either. He usually just ends up embarrassing himself.

Fun Fact #10: Unfortunately, Pwoopy doesn't have any more fun facts to share. His brain is just too small and it ran out of storage space.               

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