"I got the part?!"

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"Aurora!!!" dad yelled. I came running down the stairs nearly falling down them. "Did I get the letter?! Did! Did I?!" I asked jumping up and down. "I think sooo!!" dad said excitedly literally shoving the letter in my face. I tore open the the letter and pulled out the note.

"Dear Aurora DiCaprio, we are glade to inform you that you got the part of Ariel from the new to come computer-generation and live-action remake of the 1989 animated Disney movie, The Little  Mermaid." We read out loud together.

 The Little Mermaid (2020), directed by Rob Marshall and inspired by Hans Cristian Andersen's 1837 fairy tale, rebellious 16-year-old mermaid Ariel (Halle Bailey) is fascinated with life on land. On one of her visits to the surface, which are forbidden by her controlling father, King Triton (Idris Elba), she falls for a human 19-year-old prince (Keith Powers) . Determined to be with her new love, Ariel makes a dangerous deal with the sea witch Ursula (Melissa McCarthy) to become human for three days. But when plans go awry for the star-crossed lovers, the king must make the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter.

"Also starring Jacob Tremblay, Halle Berry, Megan Fox and more! Please if have any question call or text number provided. We will be sending out text to catch up on dates of meetings and any other important news." I screamed at dad as I jumped up and down excitedly

"I am so excited for you!" dad yelled pulling me into a hug. I am very glade that I have made him proud because I can actually do what I like, acting. I mean I am the only child that mom and dad have. So I would love to follow in their foot steps cause I look up to them.

"So anyways I am very happy for you princess but you need to go get ready for the red carpet." dad said taking a call. Yas the news about Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio having a daughter together has only been out for less than a week and I'm already going on the red carpet.

I head up stairs to take a shower so my stylist can get me ready. While in the shower I hear my phone go off. *Ding* all well I'll get it when I get out. I have been getting a lot of notifications on all of my social medias with followers after followers.

Like my 2 main ones TikTok and Instagram was at like 1k last time I checked it, it was a like 13 million. It happened as so as the news got out about me and I made my accounts public.

I get out and dry off and put my robe on then head out to my stylist room. Yas I know spoiled! I got my own room where I get styled in hehehe. So I go and sit down and have them start on my hair.

About 10 minutes later I get a notification. So I finally check it to see that... JACOB TREMBLAY followed me on Instagram. Ok let me give you a little back story of when I was not known of.

Only certain people knew that I existed and that includes Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, their families of course, and a few other people. And I can't forget my bestie of all time Jaeden Martell. I met him at an arcade place and he was really friendly. I lost my money then he gave me some. What a life saver.Anyways yeah. So of course I follow Jacob back.


@jacobtremblay has followed you
^you follow jacobtremblay back

                      Jacob Tremblay✓
             1.1M followers • 293 posts
            You both follow each other
        NoahJupe and 15 others mutual
                             7:15 p.m
•Im Jacob Tremblay
as you can already
tell from my
username lol                     
                                     •Yeah I know lol. I       
                                      seen that you also
                                       got a part in the  
                                       new up coming    
                                        Little Mermaid
•Yas I did
                                     •That's what I
                                    •You are going to
                                  play Flounder right?
•Yas, and also are
you going to the
red carpet tonight?
                                    •Yas, why do you
•I was just
wondering I
guess I will see
you there?...

TremblayWhere stories live. Discover now