Day 1 - Beginnings

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I woke up.

My head hurt a lot.

I looked around me, jungle wood trees everywhere, the grass was littered with flowers and taller fingers of grass.

A parrot screeched nearby.

I couldn't remember anything.

I jolted up. A bell seemed to ring in my head. "Red," I said aloud, I couldn't understand anything. Where I was how I got there my memory was fuzzy.

But I knew some things. How to craft. The different ores. That lava and fire would burn you. That staying underwater too long will suffocate you. That at night monsters start to spawn. That in the morning most burn to death. And a bunch of other things.

But I couldnt remember any people, happenings or places I knew, places I went to often, childhood memories.

Realizing I was sitting down, I got up. I was under a jungle tree. I was in a jungle, that's for sure. I looked around me, small hills formed here and there, I heard the trickle and splashes of water, there was probably a river nearby. I saw a parrot flutter. It landed in front of me. I reached down to tap it but it fluttered off. Its rainbow feathers seemed to glow in the sunshine.

Then I remembered something. I walked towards a cluster of tall grass and crouched over it to uproot it, escaping it were a few beads of seed. I continued this until I thought it was enough. I had 65. I took out a handful and fed it to the parrot which lurked nearby. Little hearts evaporated and the parrot flew over to my shoulder.

I knew I had to get wood if I wanted to be able to do anything so I walked over to a tree and started to punch it. The parrot fluttered off, realizing a block might fall on it. It flew about, but hang around me. I chopped that tree down and collected 16 blocks of wood. I took one out of those and crafted them into wooden planks, with four wooden planks, I crafted a crafting table. I placed it down and placed a block of wood on a random spot on the grid. It turned into four wooden planks. I took two of them and placed one at the top and one underneath it, it turned into sticks. I picked out another block of wood and transformed that into some planks, with three planks and two sticks,i crafted an axe.

I used that axe to start hacking at more trees, remembering to replant their saplings. In a few hours, I had 10 stacks (640). I made some tools, a wooden sword, a hoe, a pickaxe and three more axes. I knew I had worked for hours and I was really hungry, I looked into my inventory and found some cocoa beans,but that wouldn't do any good without some wheat. Looking further, I found a leather book and a quill. I also saw a note attached to it. I opened it up.
It read:

"Dear Red,
Happy 18th birthday! Best wishes from me. May you find this message with a jolly mood,

Your father,

The last part was smudged and wet, like someone poured water onto it. I threw the note away. It might have been put there by mistake. But I wasn't so sure about that.

I heard the movement of water again. I walked in that direction and saw a small stream, a few fish swimming around in it. I looked at my blurry reflection, I did look to be 18 but if I was shorter I would have passed to be 15 or 16. I wore a black hooded jacket and black pants, it had a really cool design that made part of it look like fire and the other part like ice, I had brown hair, but my eyes, they were blank. Just white. Pure white.

I jolted as a parrot whistled in my ear, I patted it and gave it some seed, I walked back over to where my crafting table was, with my axe, I broke it down and placed it in my inventory. I decided to build a little shelter, but just as I was about to start I saw a huge tree in the distance, I hadn't seen it earlier, but I'm sure it was there. I built a little but and crafted a door, making some makeshift windows with jungle wood trapdoors. I placed a crafting table down and crafted a few chests to place my stuff in. Now all I needed was a bed.

As if on cue, I heard a bleat of sheep.

Then another. And another, it seemed like a few of them were grazing outside, I quickly took out my sword and walked out of my hut. I killed them and even found a lot of chickens. I killed them too.

After collecting enough wool and feathers , I walked back over to my house and prepared myself a bed.

I had enough wool to craft into string so I did so, realizing I had some leftover sticks, I crafted that into a bow and played around with it, I had no arrows to shoot. I quickly remembered the stream and quickly sprinted there. I looked into it and saw a glint of gravel underneath.

I dived into the shallow stream, a school of fish passed by and I could see some gravel and clay at the bottom of the stream, pushing downwards, I took out my wooden shovel and digged some up.

I was lucky enough to get some flint from weakened pieces of gravel. I dug up some more. I soon lost track of time and found out I was suffocating, with great difficulty, I pushed upwards and took in as much air as possible, I crawled to the beach side, I was exhausted and hungry.

I groaned and took a few deep breaths, I was really tired... I just wanted to sleep...

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