Day 3 - Into The Jungle

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The sun's perfect rays scanned the horizon for any eyes willing to see them. I sighed and watched as the sun rose to a certain point and stood up, Alex opened the trapdoor, "Good morning," she said, "Morning," I replied, "Sorry about yesterday," she continued, I shook my head, "It's okay," I said. "No it's not," Alex said, "What I said was wrong and can't just be shrugged off," I was confused. "I don't forgive you then," I said.

Alex looked at me and started to laugh, I joined and soon we were on the floor in fits of laughter, I got up and so did Alex and she invited me downstairs. Sitting at the table was none other than Steve. He had a plate of cookies in front of him and a glass of milk in his hand.

"I almost forgot," Alex said, as another form of a thank you, Alex pulled from her inventory an enchanted bow, a quiver, a single arrow, a glowing bow and a leather book with a single quilt.

I was shocked, I shook my head "No thank you," I said, "I insist," Alex said. I shook my head, "Ugh," Alex groaned, "Why do you men have to be so kind?" I chuckled at that, "I accept then," I said. "She's right," Steve said in between bites, "You're too soft," Steve gulped down some milk.

Alex helped me put the arrow casing on, and I placed the book in my new-found invemtory. "Let's test out the bow and arrow on the ground," I nodded and we headed out of the tree-house.

We scaled down the vines and soon were on the soft dirt of the ground, Alex led me to a part of the clearing I hadn't ventured yet, we could see a few cows and sheep grazing in the distance. "Shoot one of them," I hesitated, "Go on," she encouraged, I steadied the bow, aimed, sighed, and let the arrow loose. It hit home!

"Bullseye!" Alex exclaimed, "Yeah but now we've lost the arrow," I replied. Alex shook her head soberly "The bow is enchanted with Infinity." I checked my pack for an arrow, there was one. I aimed at another cow. Bullseye!

The cow fell down dead, Alex left to collect the beef that fell with it. She came back quickly. "What about going hunting?" she asked, I shrugged, "Come on, it'll be fun," she said. I nodded at that. Alex pulled out a full set of iron armor and put it on. She picked out another set for me and I put it on as well.

"You ready?" she asked, I nodded as we walked into the thick vegetation... We hunted for a long while, killing almost all the animals we could find, we even found a cluster of skeletons which Alex said it'd be best if we kill them for 'bonemeal' whatever that was.

- - -

The light dimmed in the jungle rather drastically, "Darn!" Alex said in response, "It's too late to go back home, might as well make camp." she pulled out a stack of planks and started work, building faster than anyone I'd seen before, now that I think about it, this was the first time I'd seen anyone build. In a matter of minutes, the base had been set up and she was working on the inside. She placed a couple of windows at the entrance as well as some doors.

When she was done, she called me in. I walked in and looked around, it had a single room, two beds, at least a dozen torches, a single chest, two armor stands, a furnace, and a crafting table.

I stood idle, Alex sat on the bed on the left side of the room. "It's rather simple," I said. "It's supposed to be simple," Alex replied. "I'll bed up for now, you can write in that book I got for you, it's meant to be a diary, or if you prefer a journal."

I nodded, Alex slumped on the bed and immediately fell asleep, I wrote until late into the night and slept on my bed as well.

Author's Note:

Another short one I know, sorry about that but the next one is going to be longer and might even include a little

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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