Author's Note

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Heyy guys!! Ahh I'm so excited to write about these two!!

Before anything else I just want to appreciate Haikyuu because it was such an amazing show. I've never watched something where every single character has such depth. And it was so amazing how while supporting Karasuno you can't help but fall in love with the other teams as well. Like in other shows they show opponents as total bratty people you just wanna beat and that has a thrill of its own but the feels you get from watching Haikyuu just makes your insides go all Gwaaah (*'﹀'*).

Anyway enough of my rant. I absolutely love Iwaizumi's and Oikawa's friendship but I just can't help myself with Iwaoi ( Maybe it's because I'm a big time sucker for childhood romances 🙈). They're prolly my otp after Solangelo. Since I love their friendship a lot apart from Iwaoi stories, this book will probably have some one shots with them as just friends as well.

So yeah get ready for a lot of fluff I guess!

Thanks for giving my book a chance!

Also I don't own the characters :p.

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