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I had always thought Oikawa was the one who needed me. I mean I was the one making sure he didn't do anything stupid. I took care of his bullies when we were young. I was always there beside him picking him up if he fell, making sure he was on the right path.

So when he started dating Hana-san was when I realized I needed him just as much as I thought he needed me, maybe even more. I realized I liked taking care of him and just by standing next to him I felt better. I realized I liked that idiot.

He had dated many girls before but I'd liked none of them and I knew their relationship wouldn't last. I was sure he would run back to me and so I didn't realize my feelings. But Hana-san wasn't like those other girls. She was capable of taking care of Oikawa and dealing with his mood swings. She was someone I respected. She was the one capable of making sure Oikawa wouldn't run back to me. And that thought hadn't sat well with me.

The girl Tooru saw with me that day was Yun Rika. She had unfortunately or maybe fortunately seen me during my breakdown after I realised my feelings for Tooru. Maybe it was her comforting nature but I told her everything. Since then we've been talking more and she really helps me get a grip on myself.

Either way I needed to distance myself from Oikawa for a while so I don't let my own feelings ruin his relationship with Hana-san and so I could get over them as well.


History always bored me so I usually just looked out the window. I noticed that Oikawa's class had gym class outside right now. I looked at Tooru talking to some classmates. That idiot, it was so cold out and everyone was wearing a jacket but he was just standing there in his half-sleeved tee. "Shittykawa. Shittykawa." I muttered, gripping my pen tightly.

Almost as if he could hear me, he turned around and looked at me. He smiled at me brightly and then started jogging towards my class window. I violently shook my head telling him to not come here. Don't come here baka! I thought. But when does he ever listen to me?

"Iwa-chaaaan!! Hi!!" He shouted looking up at me as my class was on the first floor waving his hand wildly. My eyes widened and I whipped my head around to see if the sensei heard him. Luckily she hadn't.

I glared at him, "Shhhhhh Baka! You're going to get me in trouble!" I whisper-yelled. He had the audacity to laugh. I was so going to beat him up later. I noticed that his nose was already turning red from the cold. This idiot. I took off my jacket and made sure the sensei wasn't looking as I threw it at his face.

He quickly put it on and smiled even brighter than before as if that was possible. "Arigato Iwa-chan!! " He shouted again.

I facepalmed and then just closed the window hoping he'd get the idea. I peeped out the window to see Tooru hugging himself, burying his face in my jacket, smiling like an idiot. I felt my face heat up. That idiot was going to be the death of me.



I couldn't stop smiling as I wore Iwa-chan's jacket. I hugged myself breathing in Iwa-chan and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel content.

I skipped back to the group feeling extra happy.

"Whose jacket is that?" Hana asked.

"Iwa-chan threw it at me while I was waving to him." I beamed at her. She had a strange look on her face.

"Oh.." She looked down for a second and then biting her lip lightly she looked at me, "Tooru.." She hesitated but then seemed to make up her mind, "Can we talk after class?"

I looked at her confused, " Um yeah sure." Before I could ask her what about the sensei told us all to line up.

After gym class Hana led me to a secluded place under the bleachers. I couldn't help but smirk. I rolled a strand of her hair around my finger and leaned in a little, "Couldn't wait until the end of the day?" I said, smirking. But instead of smacking my hand away or pushing my face away like she usually would, she just gently grasped my hand and looked down.

She sighed, "Tooru.. I-I think we should break up." I froze. Break up? Why? Did I do something wrong?

"Why?! Did I-did I do something wrong?!" My chest clenched. Hana was someone I kept very close to my heart. I just didn't understand.

"Ahh no Tooru it's not your fault! Sometimes you just can't help love who you love." She said cryptically.

Huh? "Wait, are you saying you love someone else?" I would give up if that was the case. Like she said you just can't help who you love and I won't force my love on her.

She sighed,"No Tooru it's you who has someone else in your heart."

"What?!?" I was shocked. "No that's not the case Hana! I-I know my own heart better than anyone else! You can't tell me how I feel!"

"You're right you know yourself better than anyone else. So I want you to really look into your heart. And if you can tell me wholeheartedly that I'm the person in your heart, I'll take your word for it."

"I already have—" She put a hand on my mouth.

"No, take a few days to think and then tell me. Bye Tooru. " With that she left me sitting there under the bleachers sad, confused and frustrated.

"Aaaaah" I screamed. I had to talk to Iwaizumi about this. With that thought in mind I got up and went to meet Iwa-chan for lunch.



It was a particularly hard day to keep my emotions in check. After seeing shittykawa wear my jacket, the pain in my heart seemed to have amplified. Shit I don't think I could face him today.

He found me during lunch period and said he had some important things to tell me. I made up a lame excuse about some important project that was due soon that I needed to work on with Rika and practically ran away from him, not listening to a word he said.


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