Chapter Two

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Birdpaw felt a cold drip fall on her nose. She opened her eyes and blinked before sneezing. She looked up and noticed on the top of the den water seemed to be leaking through. She flicked her ears and heard the soft sound of rain. "Of course." She mumbled, getting up from her nest. She looked around, noticing Fawnpaw was in her nest, asleep. Birdpaw slipped out from the apprentice's den and padded out of camp. When Blossomfur looked at her she just said she was going out for some night hunting. Blossomfur just silently shrugged before continuing her vigil. 

Birdpaw padded along the usual path, opening her mouth to see if she could spot any prey. Finally, after sniffing in the rain, she spotted a mouse, softly pecking around some leaves. Birdpaw crouched before springing, a yowl escaping her mouth as she tackled the mouse, nipping it quickly on the neck before it had time to squeak. Birdpaw sat up, a smile on her face as she examined her kill, it was plump enough to feed two cats. Suddenly there was a deep growl. Birdpaw jumped up, her fur fluffing as suddenly she was attacked. Birdpaw let out a yowl and tried to claw at her attacker, but they seemed much stronger. Birdpaw was thrown aside, the cat meowing in victory. Birdpaw shacked her head and looked up at the cat. It was a tortoiseshell tom. "W-What was that for?" Birdpaw snapped, standing up. The tom looked at her, his blue eyes showing displeasure. "Nothing you need to worry about, i'll be taking this mouse now and be on my way." He mewed, picking the mouse up.

Birdpaw glared at him, jumping beside him. "Why do you need my mouse so badly? My clan will need it before Leaf-bare gets here!" Birdpaw spat. The tom blinked, before putting the mouse down. "So your a clan cat, hm?" Birdpaw keep glaring at him before nodding. "I am Birdpaw of Oakclan." She hissed, her claws unsheathed. "I'm Tiger. Listen, my mom really needs this. She just had kits and she isn't doing so well." Tiger's expression suddenly went worried. Birdpaw glared at him, flicking her tail. "Show me, I won't tell my clan, I just want to make sure you are telling the truth." 

Tiger looked at her for a long moment before signing and nodding, picking the mouse up and leading Birdpaw away.


Soon the two cats came to an old two-leg house. Tiger lead Birdpaw inside, flicking his tail to make sure she was close. As they walked in there was a calico cat curled up in the far corner of the space. As they got closer, there was two kits curled up on the cats stomach. One was a ginger tabby and the other was also a calico. "This is my mother, Taint. These are my siblings Solar and Red." Tiger mewed softly, nudging Taint awake. The queen opened her light brown eyes and looked up, quickly noticing Birdpaw. "Don't worry, this is my friend Birdpaw. She got you this." Tiger nudged the mouse over. Taint smiled and coughed, taking a bite of the mouse before turning away and falling back asleep. Tiger looked at his mother for a long moment before turning. "Sorry I stole your mouse...I'm just worried for her..." Birdpaw nudged him. "Don't worry, hey I'll come back over later when I can to get her more food if you like." 

Tiger looked shocked but he nodded. "O-OK..Thank you." Birdpaw nodded and raced out.


So which ship do you guys like better? 

Birdpaw x Firelight or Birdpaw x Tiger 


Let me know below :DDD

also that is a picture of Tiger

Warriors- Birdblaze's Nightmare.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora