lesson 28: masks under faces

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multimedia: Carmen's boys lol

It's finally here lads. The halloween.

I feel like the song I linked fits the vibe immensely, to a specific part of the chapter. Would recommend listening.

Watching me, wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Fearing you, loving you
I won't let you pull me down

(Haunted- Evanescence )

I looked at him with fright, as he was opening his backpack to show me inside of it. I looked at all the eggs and toilet paper inside.

"No!" I said. "No way." 

He started to laugh, loudly. Too loudly. "Come on!" He screamed. "It'll be fun He would have to clean it all up tomorrow. I know he lives alone."

It was creepy he knew that. Yet, I followed him as he was entering the little front yard. "Someone will see us."

"The whole town is at school for the party. Relax a little. That pisshead deserves this, and more."

I closed my mouth with my hands when he throw an egg to the window as a reflex. I looked at him, to see if he really did that. He was looking at me with a grin. A grin filled with pride.

Fuck it, I thought to myself. I grabbed one of the eggs and threw it to his window. We didn't stop until all the eggs were finished. After that, we rolled the toilet papers around the house. I had too much fun doing that. More than I could imagine.

We looked at our work once we were done.

"Carter must've chosen trick this year." Ethan said, uniting his arms above his chest. I did the same thing. Without looking at him, I said "You're wrong. He chose both treat and tricks. Hence, eggs and toilet paper. And his name is pisshead. Not Carter."

I heard him giggle. "We might as well get dressed as Bonnie and Clyde"

"Save it for next year," I replied and started walking. I had felt powerful doing that. I heard his footsteps, coming near me. 

"We're late to the party." he said. I checked time. It was fucking 9.12 pm. 

"Shit." I said. Without I comprehend what was going on we both started to run to school. We both had dates, who probably were waiting for us.

"Where is your fucking car?" I asked as we were running. I had shouted unintentionally.

"I parked it to a garage, to save it from monster kids on Halloween." He was shouting as well. We were both breathing heavily because we were running.

"Fuck. I'll kill you for making me wear a tight dress and making me run in it."

He laughed and started to run faster. It was hard for me to catch up, both because I was wearing a dress and because his steps were bigger than mine.

When we finally reached school, we were both breathing fast. He looked at me and grinned annoyingly.

"Well at least now that your hair is all fuzzy, you look like a real witch."

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now