Chapter 9

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I walk further inside and shut the door behind me. I was met by multiple stares.

"Oh. It seems we have a new student." the teacher says. The man was tall and looked very young. His British accent seemed to drive the girls over the edge but it didn't impress me very much. I ignored the beautiful mans statement and went toward the back of the class.

"Wait come back here," he says, forcing a playful laugh.I stop and turn around. "What is your name?" he asks. "Laura." I say, turning and sitting in the very back. "Um...okay. Everyone welcome her to this class."

"Welcome Laura!" they all say in unison. I tuned everyone out after that and looked at my schedule.

Period One: Supernatural History Room: B-Hall 225
Period Two: Concept of Spells
Room: B-Hall 201
Period Three: Extreme Training
Room: A-Hall 100
~Break for lunch~
Period Four: English( How to speak properly around humans)
Room: B-Hall 213
Period Five: Math
Room: C-Hall 322
~Free time until 7:00pm. You are not allowed to leave your dorm rooms after 9:00pm. Lights should be out at 10:00.~

I sigh and fold my schedule. This was going to be a long day. I wonder if Emily noticed I was gone at all. She probably didn't. She gets drunk, has some meaningless sex and stays the night over some guys house. She probably didn't stay home long enough to notice. I put my head down and feel a tap on my head. I sit up and my eyes meet with a gorgeous, small girl. She smiles at me.

"You better pay attention. I know you're coming in the school late but if you fail they work you extra hard in training and you don't get free time." she says. Her blue eyes sparkling. She smiles brighter, noticing my expression. "Hi Laura. I'm Kaitlyn." she says, moving her short bangs to the side a little. "Can I see your schedule?" she asks. I took it out of my back pocket, unfolded it and hand it to her. She skims over the words. "Well last period I don't have the same math class as you. But I can walk you to your others if you want."

"Okay thanks." I say finally. She hands back my schedule and smiles once more before turning around. I turn to the teacher, unable to pay attention. Then, before I knew it the bell rings and the kids spring up and leave the room. I stand slowly and walk a step behind Kaitlyn. She walks me to my second period class and she sits in the back with me. The teacher is female this time. Her name is sprawled across the white board neatly. Her long crystal colored hair was down to the small of her back and her back was turned to me. "That's Mrs. Rose." Kaitlyn says. I nod and watch her write on the board. Soon other kids come into the room, filling the seats. The bell rings and Mrs. Rose turns around and smiles at the class. And she is gorgeous.

I gape at her as she begins to talk. Her plump, pink lips moved slowly, her blue eyes dancing. She looked as young as 18. Her eyes sparkled with wonder, as if she loved to teach us. She skims her beautiful eyes over the crowd and they land on me. "Oh! We have a new student!" she says, her French accent running through my ears like silk. Everyone looks back at me and I scan the room, giving a few smiles here and there. I finally rest my eyes on the teacher and smile. "And what is your name?" she asks me.


"Laura is a beautiful name," she says, smiling beautifully. "Welcome to Concept of Spells! I am Mrs. Rosette but my students call me Mrs. Rose." I smile, not knowing what else to say to her.  She finally turns away from me and speaks to the rest of the class. I rest my head on my hand and try to listen. During the entire class we talked about different types of spells and we went into the science lab and did a few. It was much more interesting than history. And then, again, before I knew it the bell rang. Kaitlyn escorts me out the room and towards third period. The halls thrived, girls and boys chatting up dust. We finally went to the bottom floor of the building and went inside the gym.

And that's when I saw Rhys.

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