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Kim Seungmin is the high school sweetheart that is loved by everyone.
He is a cute, smart and soft boy as everyone says.
Although he is loved by everyone he always longs for one person to love him...

That one person being Lee Minho, the school's bad boy who dislikes Seungmin for reason completely unknown...I mean come on he's a literal sweetheart why does Minho dislike that boy...it's a mystery to everyone in the school...

One day Seungmin as usual was peacefully walking through the school greeting other students
"Hi Minnie" Someone said and Seungmin ran to him "Hi Jinnie!! Please tell me you slept atleast at 1am last night..."

Hyunjin chuckled awkwardly and said " yeah yeah.......no...no I didn't sorry..."

Seungmin sighed, "Jinnie you have to sleep properly without playing video games all night...atleast if you were studying then okay but you never study..."

"Aww Minnie I don't completely fail in school that's enough"


"HI GUYS!!!"

"Sungie babyyyy~", Hyunjin cooed

Seungmin looked in disgust," Ew why are y'all being so lovey dovey early morning we get it you're dating omg"

The hyunsung couple just laughed

Suddenly they heard the front door open very loudly and Seungmin, seeing the person who entered had a light blush dusting on his cheeks

"Aww Seungmin is bluh-shangggg", cooed Jisung while Hyunjin sighed and said, " I don't even see why you like him all he does is be rude to you..."

Jisung lightly hit Hyunjin and said "shut up Jinnie he's in love! And don't say that like we didn't break each other's noses before we started dating..."

"B-but...okay you're right hahaha"

"Guys! I'm not in love?!?! Who said anything about love I just... I just have a tiny crush on him...yeah yeah! A tiny crush!!" Seungmin exclaimed.

"Oh? The sweetheart has a crush? Huh... I bet he's a stupid nerd like you..." (I feel so bad for making him rude 😭) Someone suddenly stated startling the trio.
They turned to the direction of the voice to find the infamous Lee Minho standing with his infamous frown.

"W-what do you mean?" Stuttered Seungmin

Minho clicked his tongue, "nothing. I'm wasting my time talking to you." And he walked away.

Seungmin looked upset "he was the one who talked to us in the first place..." He mumbled

Hyunsung looked at each other, "okayyy let's go to class shall we? It's your favourite subject Minnie." Said Hyunjin

"Oh yeah! Korean! Let's go!"

Seungmin's friends just chuckled at him softly and followed his puppy like friend to class.

-time skip to lunch-

Seungmin was sitting with the Hyunsung couple eating peacefully trying to ignore the cringy couple feeding each other while stealing tiny glances at Minho sitting in the table next to them.

As usual Minho was sitting with Changbin and Felix while eating in silence.

Seungmin admired Minho who was eating while scrolling through his phone and making loving eyes at him.

Suddenly someone blocked his view and Seungmin looked up in surprise.

It was Kangchoel (I don't even know I just typed a name that came into my mind ㅠㅠ)

Seungmin being the nice person he is just smiled at him and asked Kangchoel, "hello do you need something?"

" Yeah can we talk somewhere alone?" He said.

Hyunjin did not like how he just wanted to take Seungmin away but did not say anything.

"Great come with me"

Seungmin shrugged to his friends and told them that he'll be right back and followed Kangchoel, not noticing a pair of eyes looking at his retreating figure with sadness and jealousy.

" Okay so what did you want to talk about?"
"Kim Seungmin... I like you, and I know you like me too because I see you looking at me during Korean class. So, let's date and you can't say no cause well, you like me"

Seungmin was startled and a little bit scared by the insistence of Kangchoel. He thought about what Kangchoel said and remembered how Kangchoel sat in the seat next to Minho in Korean class. Oh no... I was only looking at Minho and he thinks I was looking at him... How do I explain this to him omg omg i need my friends here I can't reveal my crush!! Seungmin thought.

"Umm...well I- ...you see, that's... Its not what you think I wasn't-"

"No point in denying Seungmin I know you like me"


"Come on" Kangchoel grabbed Seungmin's hand and pulled him closer. Seungmin started to panick and he was really scared.

" Please let go..." Seungmin almost cried.

"Darling I know you want this, you look at me with so much love everyday-"

"NO! I wasn't looking at you I was looking at Minho..."

"Minho? Lee Minho???? That useless boy?? Why were you looking at him huh?!"

"B-because I like him..." Seungmin was close to tears.


"Okay that's enough let him go." A voice calmly said from behind startling Kangchoel. Both boys turned towards the direction of the voice to see Minho standing with his arms crossed and a stern glare.

Kangchoel immediately let go of Seungmin and rushed away in fear but he wasn't even close to how scared Seungmin was.

Seungmin prayed to everyone he could remember that Minho had not heard him earlier. He tried to silently walk away from Minho but was stopped.

" Where are you going? We need to talk."

Seungmin panicked, "there's nothing to talk about. I'll be going back to my friends now bye"

"No we definitely have something to talk about and I want to talk about it so stay."

Seungmin had no choice but to stay and look at Minho waiting for him to say something more.

"Do you really like me?"

"W-what no! I mean... I- well you see... Umm..."

"Just tell me if you like me or not Kim Seungmin."

Seungmin hung his head low and let out a small,"yes, yes I do..."

Minho just stared at him without any expression so Seungmin continued talking

" I know you don't like me so it's fine we're fine it's okay I'll just be going ahead now bye-"

"Don't go..."


"I.... I don't know if I like you but... I don't not like you either... I mean... Give me some time to figure out my feelings..."

Seungmin smiled his eyes filled with hope "okay... Okay I'll wait for you"

"But! Don't be disappointed if I don't like you."

"I know... Its okay, take your time I'm not pressuring you into things." Seungmin shot one last smile towards the older and walked away.

He might not like me but... At least he's considering about giving me a chance... That's enough for me, Seungmin thought.

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