Chapter 2: Tequila and One-night Stands

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It's about a month later, and you've become pretty close with Amelia Shepherd and Maggie Pierce.

"How was date night with the guy last night?" Maggie says as she walks up to me at the nurses station.

"Remind me to never go on a date with a lawyer again. The only thing he would talk about were his clients. Imagine if I went on a date with you and all I talked about were hemorrhages or aneurysms." I said in a jokingly matter.

"See, that wouldn't be that boring though because they're fun to learn about." Maggie says and Amelia walks up to us.

"By the looks on both of your faces I'm going to guess the date didn't go so well." Amelia said.

I nod my head, "The men in this hospital are just- ew. And the men everywhere else are just... boring." I said as I continued to do work on the tablet at the nurse's station.

"So go for the women. Dr. Harper's got a thing for me." Amelia says as she points towards a brunette with her eyes.

The brunette gestured Amelia over, "Alright ladies, I'll see you later. I'm going to go get laid." Amelia says as she walks over to the brunette and together they walk down the hallway.

I gave the tablet back to the nurse, "That was too much information— anyways, I've got a surgery. I'll see you later."


After I completed a successful craniotomy I head over to the attending's lounge and started to get ready for my girl's night out with Maggie and Amelia.

Seattle wasn't that bad, and when I moved here I really overthought it. I've made a few close friends, and I really did love my house and job.

I put on a red dress that hugged my curves in every right way possible and some black heels. I felt pretty, and it was the first time in a while feeling that way.

I come out of the bathroom and I see the pediatric surgeon I met at Joe's about a month ago.

"Woah, you're the girl from the bar, right?" She says admiring my curves.

"Yeah, you still remember that? It was like a month ago and I see how chicks come up on you. You've got like 100 new ones everyday." I said in a jokingly matter.

"It's hard to forget the prettiest ones." She smiled, "Going on a date?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Out with a couple friends." I said as I grab my purse.

The blonde licks her lips, "I'll see you around then." She smiles at me and I smiled back as I leave the room.

I drove my car across the street and went inside to see Amelia and Maggie sitting at a table.

"You're late." Maggie says as she sips on her drink.

"I ran into a blonde when I was on my way over here." I replied.

The waiter puts down a glass of water for me and I sip on it.

"Ooh, was he hot?" Maggie asks winking at me.

"She was very hot. Not my type though, I'm into men." I brushed the hair out of my face.

"I don't understand how either of you don't get turned on by women. If anything women are hotter than men." Amelia said in between sips of her soda.

Maggie looked at Amelia and laughed, "Describe the blonde to us." She said.

"Around 5'4, beautiful blue eyes, wavy short blonde hair, a perky smile..." I said as I drift off into a hazy day-dream.

"Tell me it's not—" Amelia looks at Maggie.

"Dr. Sunshine. It's definitely Dr. Sunshine." Maggie exchanged looks with Amelia.

"I'm sorry, who's Dr. Sunshine?" I looked at them both extremely confused.

"Arizona Robbins, that's the girl Amelia had a thing with." Maggie makes a weird face.

"She was my bi awakening." Amelia laughed and tried to change the subject.

"Alright, noted. Stay away from the perky blonde." I laughed.

"Another reason I don't drink— too many drinks leads to one night stands, one night stands lead to Dr. Sunshine, and Dr. Sunshine leads to many unnecessary emotional feelings." Amelia said and it filled the table with awkwardness.

"Why do you guys call her Dr. Sunshine?" I asked as curiosity flowed through my body.

"During residency she used to never stop smiling, like ever, and she used to roller skate around the hallways. Well, she still does, just not as often but literally everyday she would. And during her surgeries she would sing, and she would comfort the patients all the time." Maggie said.

"I don't get it. How is that a bad thing exactly?" I questioned.

"It isn't necessarily, it's just someone made up the nickname and it stuck." Amelia said.

I didn't want to continue talking about the topic so we switched the subject because I could tell Amelia was getting uncomfortable. We ordered some wings and fries and finished up our night before I headed home.

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