5. Simulation

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<At the Simulation Room>

<The boys got a txt from HER to meet at the simulation room.>

HS: Ok, what now? Where's SH? JW: I'll txt him. JK: This looks like fun. J: Don't expect me to play nice. JW: He said he's not coming. Has a date? HS: With who? JW: Um. He said he has a hot date with himself. <dial him and puts SH on speaker>

J: Selfish B*. Tell him we want the lowdown. JW: What? It's with himself J. J: I don't care. HR: Tell him to get his butt over here, or I'm going over to finish him off.  SH: F* B* Trying to take over my life again. I'm coming losers.

HR: I'm sensing a lot of hostility from you boys? HS: For being the same age, you sound like a mid-age noona? J: More like a F* mom, not mine, but you know what I mean.  JW: You're not the boss of me. SH: Stop trying to get into my pants. I already have a date.

JK: Ok, SH wins, he's the funniest. HR: They were serious, JK.  JK: Even SH?  HR: Specifically SH. JK: How did you put up with this before? HR: I was the same way, but I'm more mature now. JK: Well, that's no fun.

SH: Quit your yapping, and why are we here. It better be related to the namesake. JK: It's simulation, not stimulation. SH: I don't care, the simulation, better be stimulating.  Otherwise, I'm going back to my date.

HR: So I thought it would be fun to play a virtual game together to loosen our tension and hostility toward each other. HS: We get along fine, it's you we hate.  <HR starts to tear up> 

HR: I'm sorry, I was happy to see you guys, I just want us to be friends again, that's all.  I really miss you guys. When I first arrived. I was all by myself, without anyone. I didn't even want to be here, but I had no choice.  I don't know why I was asked to come. I would sometimes go out and watch you guys from afar, but I wasn't allowed to approach you guys anymore.

My family was having financial problems, and I couldn't afford the tuition anymore.  The Acad3my took me in.  J: We could have helped you if you had money problems. HR: I don't want to be indebted to anyone and it was embarrassing. 

SH: We know what this place is, we know what you're trained on. You're a geisha assassin. We know you're trained on seduction and can fake your tears. Don't try to play us, we know you HR.

HR: F* Seriously, you guys are no fun anymore.  JW: Wow HR, you had me fooled. J: Not me, I knew it all along. HR: J, you already opened your wallet. HR: Ok, rule #2, never show your hand. JK: What's rule #1?  HR: Don't F* someone unless you have a backup plan, in case it blows up.

J: Tough chick. HR: I'm just messing with you guys, I just made that up.  SH: You really have changed. I don't know you anymore. HR: It's still me, I'm an adult now, more mature.  And I've learned a few things around here about life and taking care of myself.  This place makes you tough and grow up fast.

HS: So are you seeing anyone here?  HR: You're not allowed, at least not in public. Because that can be used against you.

HR: So you guys ready. I picked a high-stakes adrenaline game. Lots of shooting, fighting, and chasing scenes.  We need to figure out who the mastermind is, where the queen's crown jewel is hidden and retrieve it from a heavily guarded area. We have to work together. I'll lead. I know you guys and I read JK's profile.

<After 30 mins - Mission failed>

HR: <throws down her eye gear> D* it. What the h* was that? Are you guys even a functioning unit?  I'm working with a bunch of idiots. J you can't just go in shooting at everything. They're civilians. This is not an arcade, it requires finesse.  HS, what exactly were you doing, were you even engaged. You can't just stand there and do nothing. JW, you can't go wandering off on your own, were you even in the same mission.  And I have no idea what SH and JK were doing.  Were you guys even trying to complete your tasks?  This was just a level 1 simulation.  I'm not your mother, so quit messing around. <HER storms out of the room in anger>

SH: It's not like we wanted to play with her anyway.  JW: Were you two making out? JK: No, why? JW: Because I saw you unzipping SH pants. JK: What, no, his zipper got caught and he asked me to help. HS: <looks over to SH> SH: It's the truth, I needed to pee, and I couldn't get my zipper down or was it up.  HS: Are you sure it wasn't to get JK to touch your pecker?  JK: It's true, I couldn't even unzip it or was I trying to zip it. It was really stuck, but I finally got his zipper to work. SH: Did you enjoy it? JK: What? Next time I want dinner first.

J: That seems to happen a lot. SH: STFU. The pant was a gift from you idiot.  J: Strange, I don't have zipper problems with any of my pants. SH: Maybe because your package is not big enough to put stress on the seam to create a problem J. J: Hey, who you calling small? JK: Ok, that was way too much TMI. J: Don't judge a book by it's cover. JW: What? J: Just go with it. 

SH: Yeah, but JK tried to get me to sniff his underarm. JW: What? JK: Only because I wanted to know if it smelled. I forgot to use deodorant this morning.  I was worried I couldn't complete my mission if I smelled, in case I needed to lure someone. SH: Why would you need to do that, that's my job.  HS: Were you guys even in the game? SH: What game, I was just trying to pee. 

JW: You were going to pee in VR?  SH: Oh, right, it was so realistic.  SH: Wait, you mean if I was to make out with someone, that wouldn't be cheating? JW: Unless it's with one of the players? SH: Ok, never mind. JK: Cheating? SH: Yeah, I had a date remember.  JW: You two are seriously deranged. You can't even make this stuff up. <Jakehoon laughing so hard double pointing at each other like it was a total compliment.>

JK: So HR was really mad with us? SH: No one cares.  JW: She'll get over it, and be back begging us to join her.  HS: It's not like we want her anyways. J: Yeah, she's a bigger kdrama queen than SH.  SH: FU J. Besides she has the hots for me. She'll be back. <everyone nodding>

<At the Arcade>

SO: So where are we going now? NK: <silent> SO: <grabs NK arm> I'm scared, this place is haunted, I'm telling you. The full moon is so pretty though, wait, does that mean the werewolves are out tonight. Let's hurry back to our House. 

<tries to pull NK along, but can't. NK just kept going in his own direction until he reached the arcade.> 

SO: Oh, you wanted to go to the arcade, me too, why didn't you say so. <SO tagged along and would comment on his game, other times he would wander off and played his own game.>  SO: Don't leave without me, it's too scary to walk alone. <this went on for an hour, before NK headed back to their House, and SO right behind.>

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