Chapter two

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The car ride was long. It lasted 11 hours to be exact. Audi and  I spoke occasionally about our plans for when we get there. When we arrived in the woods I saw trees taller than you can imagine. The tall oaks reached into the sky. You could just tell there was magic here. As the driver stopped the car, Audi and I got out and looked at our surroundings. We saw the oaks with green leaves, the little critters scattering as we moved, a stream directly to our right and an old wooden door attached to nothing.

I walked towards the door, it was just there. Nothing on either side.

" Is this how we travel to Amina?" I question while looking unsure.

Audi's hands gently felt the wood. She was looking intently at the intricate carvings on the front side.

" Yeah... I can feel the magic radiating off of it." Audi deadpanned
" Grab your bags Val. It's time."  Audi said while grabbing her bags.

So I did. I grabbed my two bags and walked over to the door with the Audi.  As I was about to thank our driver for driving. The person and the car... vanished.

" Are you ready, Audi?" I ask

" Yeah..." She said

After a few moments in silence, Audi grabbed the handle and opened the door. A gold and white light came through and sucked Audi and I in there. Causing the door to slam shut.

Once Audi and I landed on the ground. We both grunted from the rough landing.

" Damn that hurt." I said while rubbing my rear.

Audi shook her head yes in agreement and wiped  the dirt off her as well. As I got off the ground I looked forward and saw it.
Prisville Academy.

The old castle-like building was in front of us. There was a huge garden to our left with a gand water fountain, to our right is what looked like fighting grounds.

" Let's go, Val." Audi said while walking into the entrance.
I was in awe. I knew it was going to be beautiful in Amina. But... It's breathtaking. The air smells cleaner, the colors are brighter and the scenery is surreal. As we began walking many people glanced at us... or at least me. They could sense I had no magic. Audi walked beside me and whispered something.

" Ignore them Val." She said sternly

I didn't reply back. I just nodded and kept walking. As we made it into the building. I saw so many antiques, paintings, pottery, and people.

" Stay here, I'm going to ask where the dean's office is." Audi said while walking away.

I looked at my surroundings and saw the cafeteria in front of me. I saw so many people sitting at their seats, chatting and laughing. As I was looking at the cafeteria, someone spilled their food all over my back. I jumped forward from the sudden hot and cold food that went on me.

" Ah~ what the hell!" I said while turning around to see who dumped it on me. I saw a guy who stood around 6'2, he had black hair that was cut into an undercut. His eyes were similar to Audis, they were hunter eyes. They were dark blue. His body was muscular, he wore a black button up with his sleeves halfway pulled up.

" Huh? So you are human?" The man said with a smirk plastered in.

" Yeah, what about it and why did you dump food on me?" I said while flicking the food off me.

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