Sacha's Forgotten Diary

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My name is Sacha Gray, this is my third year, in the notorious Sunny Coast Middle school. The teachers are pirates and the principal is their captain.  All of us students are just the unlucky captives that somehow got on the boat that will float to the island of "freedom" and "opportunity". It seems like everyone here thinks that our school is all that and a bag of chips, they pretend everything is ok when they see people like me getting bullied or talked down on in the hallways. But you know what it's ok, because "I woke up on the sunny side of the bed". Today, I forced myself not to tell anyone again. Someday somebody will help me, someone, that has been watching me on the sidelines, knowing they could lend a hand. I'm sorry I stopped journaling, in this old beaten and abused notebook, it's not that I forgot about it, these days I haven't had the time, and back then their words didn't hurt as much as they do now.


I can't believe she laughed at me, my older sister. I tried to make a friend today, but I had nothing to say so I used a dad joke. I'm so stupid. I'm so useless and can't do anything right. How could I have said, "What do you call a penis in a spacesuit?" instead of "What do you call a peanut in a spacesuit?". Now all of the kids think I'm even weirder than before, no one likes a pimple-riddled skinny Asian boy like me. Especially because I have these big, blurry glasses that make me look like a total creep.  Now everyone is going around saying I'm gay and switching my words to thoughts I don't want to write here. My sister told me not to talk to her when we get to high school, she said I was an embarrassment. I can't blame her though, it's my fault anyway. I should have never even spoken.


After lunch, I went into my locker and I found a pink envelope, it had ribbons on it and smelled like strawberries. It was definitely from a girl. When I opened it up, there was a giant heart with my name on it, her handwriting was so pretty. The letter told me that she loved me and that she thinks that we should meet, but she never said her name, she wanted me to meet her up on the roof tomorrow so we could talk face-to-face. My heart is racing even now. I can't stop thinking of who it could be. Hopefully, it's not my sister getting my hopes high, but I'm curious about who it is. I wonder what she looks like or even if she is the same age as me. Although I'm not the best at making conversations, I still have them, more than I think I do, now that I think about it. Momma Is cooking my favorite casserole, so I'm done writing for today, can't wait for tomorrow! xx


She was pretty. She was about my height, about  4'11, and had long black hair. I have never seen such a beautiful black girl. She transferred recently into the same grade as me. Her eyes were a light brown and she had a nice smile. She said that she liked me because I was strong. She said a whole speech about how I changed her perspective on identity and standing up as the person you are. Sometimes I would question the people who were picking on me or use some sort of reverse Uno card to roast them back, I guess she picked up on that? Never thought anyone would have paid any attention to me. It's nice to know that even I could change somebody's life - no, that's a long stretch. I'm just happy that someone thinks of me other than my family...


WOW! THAT JUST HAPPENED! I HAVE GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS! This week was a total roller coaster and it's going to be difficult trying to explain it. Well, this is how it started my dad got a bonus and a raise at the same time and he gave me some extra cash for keeping my grades up. I used that money to get a few gifts for Haily, the girl I was talking about, and my other friends, Kennedy, Riley, Gabe, and Daniel for a late, very late, really late, super late, New Year's day gift. It was cheap and wasn't meant to be emotional, I don't even remember what it was, like a card or something. Anyways, the bad news is that I found out Haily was lying. She got paid that day by Kaleb and Chase, the jerks that can even fool the pirates with their connections and wealth, to make me feel as if she liked me. When I gave her the card, she just turned the other way and looked at me like a weirdo.

            I was sad for a few days, but then something good happened. Kaleb and Chase finally got expelled or kicked out, or whatever. I don't know the exact details, but apparently, they messed with the captain's captive for too long and they ended up having to walk the plank, so this week those bully-free signs in the cafeteria made me feel stress-free.

         The bad news is, is that now that they are gone the rumors that I had are still roaming around and now I have a new kind of anxiety. One that I don't understand, it's with me at all times, even when I'm talking to people. I wanted Chase and Kevin gone for the longest since them being there made me rush (eating too, so I could hide in the bathroom) everywhere I went, but now that they are gone, it's like I have a new problem, one that is going to take longer than the rest...

Writer's Note: Big thanks to all those who read! Even bigger thanks if you a real OG and voted! Keep reading, press next, and enjoy (do not to cry, be :) )

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