first day in the hood

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aremina black ^   3:00 pm

I walked out of the plane and into the airport with my bags and luggage as I looked for a poster with my name on it. now before we continue lets learn a little more about me. my name is aremina and i'm am 17 years old I'm  bi and if your not familiar with the term it means I like male and female. now I have ptsd so bare with me  I just moved form California to stay with my mom. I been staying with my grandma for most of my childhood now I grew up in the white neighborhood so I never got the feel of being around kids my skin color and my nationality but today is my first day in the hood 

I walked to the door of my mom house and knocked my mom opened the door and gave me a big hug. hi baby how are you she said, um can I come in first  I said  oh yes i'm sorry come in she said. I walked in and carried my bags  no let me help my mom said  oh okay thank you I said, no problem she responded. so what been going on in your life my mom asks, oh i'm sleepy form jet lag so can I just go lay down I don't really feel like talking sorry, no its okay she said go Ahead your room so down the left. ok I  walked up the stairs and went in my room took off my shoes and laid down .

8:00 pm 4 hours later 

I woke up and yawed and rubbed my eyes and got my shoes on I was planing on walking to the store for some chips . I walked down the steps and called my mom name I saw her on the couch watching tv hey mom I'm about to walk to the story you want anything , no she said you need some money she asked no I got some thank you tho, your welcome be safe come right back she said. okay wait where is the store , it's down the street on the left she said okay bye,  I put my hood on and started. to walk it was a little chilly as I walked to the store it was a group of guys hanging around it smoking I put my head down as I walked in the store as I kept my head down I bumped into something hard I looked up and it was this cute dark skin guy.

                          javier 19 

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                          javier 19 

aye you watch where you going he mugged me

so this is a something i'm writing  this is my first Time so I don't  know if I'm going  to continue 

its going to be some gang drug dealers get some pills and drugs  form some white rich people to sell them and the pills  they do something to people so watch how the hood becomes a chaotic playground. 

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