Happy International Women's Day

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Please do watch the video on the side. You will be amazed to learn the innumerable achievements made by women in the past years. :')
Beautiful Video <3



"A Woman is an over-thinking monument of thoughts that strings itself to form a never ending garland.

Every fragment of her mind is scattered in reminiscing minuscule moments that mean to her as much as her cells that keep her soul attached to her body.

She is the heart that learns to sacrifice at the tender age where you are playing bat and ball.

Every part of her fist sized organ is distributed in pieces to every single person that exists in her life.

She gives and gives and minimizes each little space so that she can give it equally to each person.

She is selfless to the point that being on the receiving end of love is a forlorn priority.

She is fragile that a word is enough to break her, to throw her over the edge, to become reckless but strong enough to hold her ground.

It’s what she is and how she has always been.

She is an incarnation of love that's been there forever with you in different forms but you failed to notice.

She will help you breathe in life when you see death.

She will believe in you when you don't believe in yourself.

She will join little by little hope to lay down the foundation of faith on which you will construct the building of your trust that will nurture the passion that your love creates.

And lastly, but definitely not the last, she will love you every second that she breathes,as a Mother, Wife, Sister, Friend, Girlfriend, Teacher, Guide, etc

Living for you is staying alive, but living for her is - YOU.

It’s that Simple" :)

A Very Happy International Women's Day to all the Woman out there.

Cherish your worth and don't let others make you feel otherwise.


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