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Yoongi's pov:
I'm running I forgot where I was going the only thing on my mind was what happened to tae why are they saying that he murdered someone and who is this person... I can't think straight as I get to my destination. I see the rest of the members getting out of the car as I make my way over to them I see that jin looks really shaken up like he just saw a ghost and the other members look like there comforting him. As I get closer to the rest of the members, who haven't realized that I was there Say something that sends a strong sense of anger and dread throughout my whole body.
<*what the fuck did they do*>
Author pov:
<at the meeting>
"DO YOU GUYS HAVE ANY IDEA WHATS GOING ON NOW FIRST TAE WAS LEAVING THE GROUP AND NOW HE'S A MURDER SUSPECT?!!! Do you guys have any idea what that'll do to Bts along with your career and reputation" Bang pd-nim was fuming and packing back and forth not knowing what to do and right when he started thinking about disbanding the group jungkook and Namjoon spoke up with a serious look on there face. "we know how to save the group.........but it involves you making a statement.." Bang pd at first had an unreadable expression on his face as he sat there in deep thought he then told everyone to leave the room besides Namjoon and jungkook.
(Outside the room) Jin, jimin, j-hope started whispering to each other in hopes of yoongi not hearing:

(*jimin*)-"do you guys think it'll work, like will namjoon really be able to convince bang pd-nim"

(*jin*)-"of course he will who do you take him for he's not our leader for no reason he knows how to deal with situations and he knows how to convince pd-nim if it means that the company get saved and we don't lose simple."

(*j-hope*)-simple let's just hope that our Amazing leader has amazing negotiations skills or else jk better have a good plan cause if not we could always go on a hiatus until the media calms down because I refused to get fucked in a situation like this and gave my life ruined because of that useless fucker"

they stood there laughing for a moment until. The door opened revealing a smiling Namjoon and an even happier Jungkook they bit farewell to bang pd and left as yoongi stood there in shock and confusion he heard muffled cries coming from inside afraid of what happened he quickly went inside to see bang pd crying and mumbling apologies as if he was speaking to someone. yoongi spoke up: "pd is everything alright what happened are you ok did they do something to hurt you wha-" "I'm sorry I failed you guys I'm supposed to be protecting you but instead I'm doing something wrong like this just to save the company yoongi, tae please forgive me please"

Yoongi pov: I asked pd nim a question but I don't think that he even knows that I'm here I don't know what happened but I'm about to get to the bottom of this (*he runs out*)but first I gotta find tae and figure out what happened to tae and where he's being held I gotta find out why he didn't show up and I gotta find out what happened.......Damnit tae please be ok I'm coming!!

Authors pov: as yoongi runs out of big hit he first thinks to check the dorms to see if there's any clue as to what might've happened as he arrived to the dorms he was out of breath, while catching his breath someone tapped his shoulder "hey there min-" yoongi was slightly startled by the voice and as he turned to get a good look at the person talking to him he realized who it was Minho "hey min-" his words were stopped short by the grip that Minho had on his shoulders he then realized what was going on he straightened up put the same forced smile on his face as he wrapped his arm around Minho's shoulders and started walking off trying to act naturally he then whispered "let's go to the cafe" and Minho only nodded.
As soon as they get to the cafe the quickly go inside and get far from the door as they hide
<*minho-"get down"! He whispers
<* yoongi-"we gotta get out of here when the chance comes make a B-line to my car ok" he whispered back
<*yoongi-this can't have anything to do with tae....right?
Just as Minho was about to answer he was interrupted by the sight of a person standing in front of the door as they walked further in yoongi and Minho started quietly shuffling closer to the door and so the minute they saw an opening while he was turned away from them the took off and made a Run to yoongis car as they were running yoongi unlocked it. Right when the got in the car the big guys bursted out of the cafe and started sprinting towards the car as yoongi stepped on the gas to get the hell out of there. Both of them were panting and they sat in silence until Minho spoke up with a laugh "so who did you offend to the extent of wanting to off you by hitman standards?" Yoongi froze for a second and almost stopped the car in the middle of the road then he laughed "another day another mercenary trying to kill me and my wife"and right as he said that his face dropped and he hit the gas "Fuck tae" -"he's safe I'll take you to him but first we gotta get far out of this area there's a huge bounty out for the both of you and your never believe who put it out."Said Minho
<*yoongi-"i think I have an idea"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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