The forty-fourth chapter

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(Holy shit! I love this picture! It's Garcello mixed with Alex I was really interested in making this one special... I hope you guys like it! Here is another chapter! Also, if you guys ever want a chapter where this character shows up somehow just tell me, I don't mind making it happen -w-')


Y/N pov.

"Alex!" Garcello seems to finally realize what is going on and I can hear Alex sigh. Looking at Alex his face has gotten worse and some of the spots that were there before eighter look bigger now or are connected with other ones...

"Garcello... Are you cursed or something? Those eyes weren't really yours..." Alex told Garcello and he sighs at the smaller male. Is he finally gonna tell us what he has been doing for the past few hours? 

"I... How the hell did you figure it out so quickly!?" He was probably about to tell us but then seemed to realize how far ahead Alex was... He is right though... How does he know?

"It's pretty easy when you put all the small clues together. The cigarettes you smoke aren't any brand I have seen before. Those green eyes look very cursed to me. Not only that but it seems like you have done some summoning before and that can pull people with magic towards you." He lists all of those things up and when I hear them I feel like it makes a lot of sense.

"I... Wow..." Garcello looks pretty bummed about this fact but he then shakes his head like he wanted to shake the thought. He looks impressed but I still feel jealous over the fact that all these things happened today.

"Y/N! Come over here..." Alex screams my name even though I'm pretty close to the both of them. I still do as he tells me and when I do he pushes me against Garcello who takes e in his arms! Huh!?

"G-Garcello! S-Sorry..." I try to pull away but I can't because he has a tight grip around my body. He pulls me into his chest and I can feel his beard on my head. He hums slightly rocking me back and forth.

"I should be the one that is sorry Y/N... I basically cheated on you... What did I do to deserve you?..." He tells me and pulls away holding my chin with his hand and stroking my jaw with his thumb. I can feel a slight bit of waterfall from my eyes...

"I... I forgive you... But please don't do that again..." I tell him wiping my tears. He kisses my forehead and chuckles slightly. He sounds just like he usually does... His voice isn't strange or super deep anymore but his smokey breath is burning my throat a bit.

"I'll just smoke this cigarette done and then we can move on alright? I don't want this to happen again..." He tells us and lets me go probably knowing that I can't handle the smoking. I nod and let him walk a bit further away from me.

"I got really worried for a moment there... I'm sorry I had to do that to him for him to stop it... I don't know how far that version of him would have gone and I really didn't want to deal with it..." I hear Alex mumble slightly. It was just well enough spoken so that I could hear it and it made me shiver slightly at the thought that Garcello could have gotten further than he already was...

"It's alright I guess... I didn't like it but it had to be done... You couldn't do anything else I understand. Just wish I could have done something to help..." I tell him admitting not only to him but also myself that he couldn't do anything different without disturbing me...

"Yeah... I promise to leave you alone after this..." I jolt a bit hearing the word again... There are so many times I have heard that word it's starting to make me feel like it doesn't do anything anymore...

"Don't promise something like that. I think that you are a great person, you just need some more people to help you than us." I tell him feeling like me telling him this wouldn't make him any better...

"Oh! Do you mean help with the purple and black stuff? Yeah... I..." The talking we made got disturbed when the small blue-haired boy beeps being a bit scared in his voice.

"Huh? Oh... Don't worry little guy! I'm alright and Garcello just needs to smoke to get his nerves calmed down! You can look into this book and place the objects like it is in the book but don't summon him yet..." He gives the small boy the book having it open on a page that probably has the ritual in it.

"Are you sure they are gonna be alright alone like that?" I ask him as they leave into the theater that we chose. (I wanted it to be a theater instead because it looks like it's a theater when playing the vs Chris mod -w-')

"Yeah, they are gonna be fine... They are immortal after all!" He tells me turning around having his hands up and elbows bent shrugging. Wait... How did he know that?

"H-" I begin but he interrupts me when he turns around it startles me... One of his eyes seems to be infected in some way... It has a purple spot on the side that follows his eye movement... 

"Is something wrong Y/N?" He asks me scratching one of the spots on his neck looking at me with a questioning face. What are those spots even doing to him?

"How did you know about them being immortal?" I ask him the question I wanted to ask before feeling calmer. He chuckles slightly in a strangely dark way before looking like he just realized he was acting this way and stopping.

"Uhh... I heard you speak to each other by the edge of the woods? I don't know why they are immortal though... I could swear I have seen them before while... Never mind..." He tells me this and I'm not sure of how to react to this.

"Yeah alright, That makes sense..." I tell him feeling kinda behind on everything... It's always like that when he is here though... 

"I'm back let's go into the theater and do this!" Garcello tells us while stepping around the place as well as possible. There is a lot of broken glass and rubble on the ground that makes it pretty hard to walk around.

"Where did the little man and his girlfriend go?" He asks us pulling his hat down more with his hand. Alex seems to have the question covered and points to the theater smiling slightly.

"I let them fix it up while you were smoking so they had something to do. They may be 19 but they should be around 16 in their mindset. That doesn't grow properly until they are 22 or so." Alex tells us walking towards the doors of the theater with his hands behind his head.

Garcello looks over to me with a questioning face and when I don't respond to him he shrugs. I walk alongside him and when we get to the doors he gestures towards the entrance making me chuckle slightly. Entering the theater I find Alex sitting on the edge of the stage putting his feet up to probably stand on it.

I wonder how this will work out?


(Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, yeah. This is it! Sorry, I'm a bit late it took me a while to get the picture right -w-')

---(Until the next chapter!)---

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