Chapter 13 : Changing Locks

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Chapter 13

"Hey, you've reached me.... leave a message! Thank you!" Her voice said.

"Baby G--uh Anabella," he corrected himself,' It's Joe. I didn't want you to leave, I was trying to figure everything out. Nina was a bitch to you and I can only apologize for that even though I know that won't be enough. Please call me back, I want to talk to you I have things to say."

He hung up and sighed, hoping she'd call back. Meanwhile, Annabella kept listening to the message over and over again. He was gonna call her baby girl.

Joe drove until he reached Jordan's, he got out and went up to the door, and rang Jordan's doorbell. He really wanted Anabella to call him back.

Jordan didn't answer the door., but miss Miley did."Hey uncle Joey! Is aunt Nina with you?" She gushed. Since the girls moved in with Jordan they'd bonded with, well Annabella.

"oh uh actually I was hoping to talk to your Dad about her," Joe said softly.

"He's in talking to mommy..." she smiled.

" oh maybe I should come back another time," Joe said

"No it's okay... she's just sad... come sit I know where coffee is!" She said.

"Okay thanks, sweetie," Joey said and went to sit down. Jordan's girls were simply adorable.

She went back to play with her sister Maddie.

Joe couldn't help but worry if Anabella was okay and where she was going to go. He sighed covering his face.

Jordan meanwhile sat looking at Jennifer's tear filled eyes and stained face.

"He just changed the locks?!" He asked in shock.

"And left divorce papers," she sobbed.

Jordan was truly baffled by this," No explanation? No...lame excuse? Oh, sweetie if he's just gonna ditch for the hell of it then he's not worth the tears," Jordan said sad for her.

"He said it was because he could tell with all the visits and stays here with the girls that I was still in love with you..." she said

"Oh," Jordan said quietly. He honestly didn't want to lie," well I'm still in love with you and always have been, but how do

you feel?"

"Jordan... it's so complicated..." she whimpered, looking at her fingers.

"It's fine. I just thought I should ask in case there was some truth to that," he said softly, feeling bad for her.

"There is... a lot of truth to it..." she said, "and spending more time with you and the girls felt so comfortable..."

"I'll do whatever you want me to, need me too," Jordan told her softly," I've loved having you around."

"And I've loved being close to you...." she said gently.

"But?" he asked softly.

"No, but..." she said before smiling up at him.

He smiled and took her hand into his and leaned in to kiss her softly. He had missed her so much.

She softly kissed back, "we need to tell the girls..."

"Yes we should," Jordan whispered. He pulled back and stood up holding his hand out to her," Let's tell them."

"Okay...." she smiled and took his hand. She still couldn't remember why they split up. His schedule was all she could think of. Man, she felt dumb. What a stupid reason...

Jordan smiled as they headed to find the girls," Hey Miley, Maddie," Jordan said.

"Yes, daddy?" They asked coming out of their rooms. Miley was the first to notice their fingers were locked.

"So Mommy and I wanted to tell you, girls that we are putting the family back together," he said to them.

"Really?!?!" Maddie said excitedly.

"Yes really," Jennifer smiled.

"YAY!" Miley squealed and then covered her mouth with her hand. she lowered her hand slowly," Um Uncle Joey has been sitting in the other room wanting to talk to you for a while." she said quietly.

"Oh!!! Of course!" Jordan smiled and went to find him while Jen occupied the girls.

Joe was sitting there with his head in his hands. He still hadn't heard from Anabella, he had checked several times. No text, no phone call, nada.

"Hey Joe, what's wrong man?" Jordan asked coming up behind him.

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Looks like Jen's relationship is over. 

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