arc 4: reconnection and recollection

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Conner woke up to the sounds of children laughing. He looked out of his room and saw two of the many little girls turned orphans, chasing each other and giggling up a storm. He waltzed out of his abode and met Sheldon, walking just as drowsy. They both sat down at the table and rubbed their eyes, trying to get adjusted to the direct sunlight again. Pedro eventually found his way outside as well, sitting down at the table next to Conner, using his arms as leverage to hold his head up. They all gazed at each other with a look of sheer tiredness, all yawning in sync. Logan leaned his head around the corner, exclaiming "Hey you guys! What's with the sour looks?" They all turned their heads towards him with red glints in their eyes, and he slowly retreated back around the corner. Tanjiro and Kanao walked over to the table, both yawning and stretching. "You know, I never understood why hashira still had to stretch." Pedro said, looking at Tanjiro. Tanjiro smirked at the child and replied "Well I never knew a kid could down a bottle of rum in a few seconds and still stand. Guess we both surprised each other, huh?" The two chuckled. Aoi walked in with three of her little sisters, as they're called, carrying ten plates full of food. "Please help yourself to whatever you wish, but save some for the people who still haven't gotten up." They all nodded in agreement and began to eat. A couple of minutes went by and Aisuru came in, taking slow steps towards the table. Conner had never seen her in full sunlight, and she had cought his eye. Her long hair flowed through the wind, similar to a leaf falling from a tree. Her face gleamed in the sunlight, every detail becoming more refined and definite. Conner turned away as quick as he could, catching Sheldon's attention.

Sheldon nudged him, asking "hey, you good? That sudden movement looked kinda odd." Conner covered his eyes with his hand and said "yeah, I'm alright. Just saw something, that's it." Sheldon looked at Aisuru and nudged him again. "Conner, are you for real? Dude, that's awesome!" Conner began to turn red, slapping him on the chest. "don't speak too loud dude, I don't want people to hear!" Tanjiro smirked at the child, almost beginning to laugh. "You know, I was the same way with Miss Kanao right there. With time it'll work out, my student." Tanjiro reached out and patted Conner on his head, bearing a big grin. Logan came back around the corner and sat down, laying his head on the table. Kanao looked at him and asked "Well what happened to you, young Logan? Was Final Selection that tough this year?" Hakashi walked around the same corner, putting her hair up with a butterfly pin that matched her hair. Kanao looked back at Logan and slapped him on the back of the head and said "You know, before stealing one of my hairpins you could ask first. I could've had one made as well." He leaned up and grabbed his head, yelling sorry over and over. She stood up and said "I'll give you a ten second headstart to get your haori on so you can jump across the trees, after that you're done for!" He slid around the corner, yelling "No, please! I don't want to be chased first thing in the morning! My body still aches!" She giggled. "Take it as training, Logan! You need to become faster anyway, so what better way than to run from your superior?" The group watched as he jumped into the treeline, followed by Kanao a few short moments later.

As Kanao and Logan ran through the trees, back at the temple Tanjiro was watching Sheldon and Pedro have another one on one. Pedro slashed at Sheldon, their swords clashing together. Pedro, frustrated about not winning against Sheldon once, started to slam his fist onto his own sword. Sheldon spun away from Pedro and sheathed his blade, yelling "what in the world is wrong with you?! You're hand is bleeding yet you continue to apply pressure to the wound repeatedly?" Pedro dropped his sword and gripped his wrist, trying to cut off the circulation to stop the bleeding. Tanjiro called for Aoi, who had a few bandages at the ready. She poured a dash of alcohol into the cut and wrapped his cut in a bundle of bandages. "Don't pick up that sword for the next week. You're arm is already scarred, now you go and do something stupid like that." Pedro wiped away a tear and stood up, reaching out a hand to Sheldon. "I'm sorry, I lost my temper. I had just remembered the mountain and how I saw Conner as the demon I had seen kill my grandfather.. I just need some time away from this all." Sheldon nodded and grabbed his upper forearm, saying "listen, we've all been there. Whatever time you need, we'll be with you every step of the way." Pedro began to tear up, both from the wound and Sheldon's calming words. He began to turn around, walking to his room and closing his door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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