Arc 1: A new beginning

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This takes place a year after Tanjiro, Kanao, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko become hashira. The other elements have been lost after the deaths of several past hashira. The only breathing techniques still used are flower, water, lightning, beast, fire, and a new form called demon breathing. A group of friends have been brought into the fight of their life, but little did they know how hard it would be.

Loud cheers rang through the streets. A group of friends all laughed with each other and talked about the last two years. It had been in these two years that they hadn't seen each other besides a single time, and that was only for a few hours. The one in the dark purple kimono, named Logan, always spoke loudly to any of the people surrounding him. The one in red, Sheldon, was the one making everyone laugh. The one in the green, Conner, always gave a light chuckle to most things Sheldon said. Andrew, in a dark pink kimono, was as silent as a mouse. The last member of their group, Pedro, wore a bright blue kimono and always laughed the loudest. The group had always stuck to each other, day in and day out. Each night they would always travel together to ensure each other's safety, the person to always get home last was Conner. They all made a vow that if one of them vanished like their past friend did, they would forever and always search for the missing member. Conner and Logan were once again walking home as the final two on the way home, but Logan was awfully silent for the first time. Conner nudged him on the shoulder, and asked "you know, you're not yourself tonight. What's up?" Logan eased his head up and murmured "just.. everything if I'm being quite honest. We haven't seen each other since we were still technically kids, and now it's like we never split up. I don't know, it just rubs me the wrong way." Conner, with a slight bit of worry in his eyes, tried to match his pace. Logan continued his long stride, almost leaving Conner behind. All of a sudden he froze in place and put his arm out in front of Conner.

"Did you see that?" Logan muttered. Conner stared at him confused, asking "what did you see? Was it a dog, a cat even?" Logan held a finger to Conner's lips, ordering him to be quiet. Conner heard the tiniest, faintest noise and ducked. Logan stepped out of the way, just in time to get grazed by a sharp claw. The two of them got into a fighting stance ready to fight a monster hand to hand. The monster slowly stood back up, revealing it's face. Logan's heart dropped at what he was staring at. Conner whispered to himself "it can't be.. you died that day." The monster spoke up. "That's what your conclusion is? You see someone get dragged into the woodland and think that they die, just like that? I'm glad I struck a deal with that Muzan fella." Logan took a step back and blinked several times. A single tear formed in Conner's eye, and they both had a lump in their throat. Finally, Logan mustered a single sentence. "Ravi.. you're a de.. demon now?" He put a hand in his pants pocket. "Sure am, buddy. Say, you wouldn't happen to know anyone with rare blood, would you? I gotta get strong to get into the Twelve Kizuki." Logan began to turn but got cut off by Ravi, developing an even bigger cut than the one before. Conner stood in front of Logan so he could gain his footing, grabbing a piece of wood to defend himself. Ravi chuckled and grabbed the wood, snapping it into pieces. Conner started to jolt back but got grabbed by the neck. Their former friend was rearing his claws to strike Conner in the ribs, and Conner yelled "remember who you are. Don't do this because you have a hunger. You wouldn't kill me to survive if you were human!" Ravi sighed. "You're right, I wouldn't. But.. I'm not human anymore Conner. I remember everything."

He pushed his claws into Conner's midsection ever so slowly, making the wound feel even more painful. Then out of the blue a flash of black and green dashed by and Conner was laying on the ground. Logan looked up and saw a decently tall man with a black Nichirin sword in tow, long red hair and a scar on his forehead. He stood there for a second, thinking it was all a dream. The man said "get your friend there and go down the street. There's a house with a Wisteria Crest. Tell them Tanjiro Kamado sent you." Logan lifted Conner onto his back, carrying him down the road. Loud clashes of metal could be heard all the way down the street, but Logan kept focus. "You ok up there Conner? I can feel the blood trickling down my shoulder." Conner let out an exsausted groan and replied "get me there as fast as you can, this hurts bad." They got to the gate and a small woman answered. She let them in and showed them to the medical center. She never spoke a word, yet they knew what she was saying without hearing her. Logan set Conner onto a bed and found himself in one after a few short steps. A young woman came in holding medicine cups and asked the two what happened. She was very demanding, making sure they got the meds needed. She had blue hair pulled up into pigtails, beautiful yet cold eyes, and a medicine kit on her hip.

The Hashira of Tomorrow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora