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one detail the two boys shared quite in common were their passion for music. not exactly similar, though both of what they loved were related somehow; san had a strong affection of becoming a singer whilst yunho conveyed his heart towards dancing.

the two were still starting out fresh and new to their loved hobbies, and are hoping that one day the thing that they admire the most could develop something impactful to their future lives.

present time, san and yunho were sitting together on a section of san's uncle's grey knole couch waiting for either one to spark up a conversation.

it was a bit awkward, san never had the ability to conversate with anyone. he barely had any friends to begin with. let alone that he never really liked to speak a lot.. with other people. it was unusual for him to be buddy buddy with another person, pretty rare for someone to come up to him and give out a little hi.

yunho on the other hand, he had friends everywhere on the block, whether it be one corner or the other he had nearly everyone. talking with people was his specialty, a perfect skill that his mouth could do right there.

although for the current situation, his head was practically empty. the mind to communicate was burried somewhere in his brain, wayward, unable to be found. he felt as if one large brick was replaced with that brain of his.

at no time once has yunho ever experienced a moment like this. as luck would have it, the older couldn't make up any words to say to san. he sensed a different vibe from the boy, however he wasn't quite at the brink to perceive what was it with the younger that made him feel such a way.

what seemed like over a decade for the two, san finally grew the balls to start the conversation...

"please hope my mind makes up something with common sense..."

"what's your favorite shade of brown?"


left step, slide right, jump, ending move. need to go sharper, on beat.

fifteen-year old jung wooyoung on his sixth day as a big hit trainee, trying his best to reach this practice to perfection. he was currently in his mini group with other trainees learning new moves given by the dance coach.

the teenager has always dreamed to become an idol, just like the people that inspire him to be like so. his whole eyes go in awe the moment he watches the people on screen giving their whole heart out to everyone with their stunning talent. knowing that the artists on tv worked extremely hard starting out with nothing but a spec of dust, evolving into the greatest stars anyone has ever laid eyes on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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