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*at the nursing station early in the morning*
"Hey your here early" Hayes says as he walks up to the nursing station
"Hey yeah I got called in, why are you here so early?" Said Mer
"I was also called in" said Hayes
*at lunch sitting with Maggie,Jo,April,Amelia,Arizona and Callie"
"So have you guys met the new peds attending?" Asked April
"Yeah I have" Mer says blushing
"Oooooo mers got a crush" says Amelia and Maggie just to annoy her
*Mer starts blushing like crazy*
"Wait do you actually like him" asked jo
"Did you know Cristina sent him here"said Mer trying to change the subject
"So she also I approves you guys" says Arizona as she raises her eyebrows and walks away
"Well I ship merhayes all the way" says Callie as her and april get paged to the ER
"Well we gtg make sure to invite me to the wedding" April says as she walks away
*Mer rolls her eyes*
"Well we have to go to see yea later" says Maggie and Amelia
"So you really like him huh" asked jo as they walk away to go check on a post op
"I mean I felt like this since Derek" said Mer
"Wow that's really something you should shot your shot" says jo
*hayes thinking*
I haven't really met any one yet I have a couple friends their  names are Link,Jackson and Winston
"Hey"said Winston as he breaks Hayes thought
"Hey" said Hayes
"What we're you thinking about?" Asked Winston
"Nothing much" said Hayes
"A girl" teases Winston
"Maybe" say Hayes
"You should shoot you shot" said Winston knowing who Hayes was thinking about
*Mer and Hayes on the elevator together*
"Do you wanna get a drink today?" Asked Hayes
"Sure why not" answered Mer while blushing

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