The unexpected

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*Later that day at lunch*
"So did you know mers got a date with Hayes tonight?" Asked April
"Ooooo another one" said Amelia
"Go girl" yelled Callie
"Well I have to go check on a post-op byeeee" said Mer as she walked away
*later that day*
*Arizona walks into the supply closet as trips. She stood up and was covered in blood then she sees teddy lying on the ground. Arizona can still feel a really weak pulse so she starts cpr and packed the wound. She also calls Bailey to put the hospital in lockdown
Bailey pages a code sliver but Hayes was so distracted by his coding patient he didn't care
*about 15 minutes later Hayes hears screaming on the floor he was on. Hayes patient stopped coding so he put him in the bathroom but Hayes only had enough time to hide the patient when the shooter walked in to the room.
"Please don't shoot! What do you want?" Asked Hayes shaking
"My sister died here" said the shooter trying to be tough
"Well I'm new I haven't lost very many patients"said Hayes trying to get himself out of this situation
"Does it look like I care?" Asked the shooter
"Please don't shoot, I can't bring back the past but if you need to talk we have therapists" said Hayes
"I don't need a therapist!!"he says Angrily
*starts to pull the trigger*
"Got any last words?" Said the shooter teasing Hayes
"Tell Meredith that I love her" said Hayes crying
"Put the gun down" said a swat agent as he walks in
*he doesn't listen and shoots Hayes*...

Sorry this took me so long I've been busy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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