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Mia, Dixie, and Nico are playing on the beach while Brian, Dom, Letty, Tej, Rome, and Ramsey sit around watching and talking.
"Uncle Brian! Come play!" Mia yells at Brian for Nico.
"Yeah," Brian says with a smile.
"Look at him. Look at him," Dixie tells Nico as she points at Brian before Nico runs over to Brian.
"Yeah, buddy," Brian says as he picks Nico up.
"Duty calls," Dom says with a smile.
"It does," Brian says in agreement.
"Hey, babe. Come on," Dixie says as Brian gets up.
"Let's get Mama and Aunt Dixie. Yeah!" Brian tells Nico as they make their way over to Mia and Dixie. "Here we go!"
"Because the sun is out, I'm kind of medium rare, but I can get, like, well done. Like, really dark," Rome rambles as he talks to Tej and Ramsey. Tej nudges Rome as he watches Brian, Mia, Dixie, and Nico. "What you nudging me for?"
"Close your mouth for two seconds," Tej tells him before pointing at Mia, Brian, Dixie, and Nico. "Just open your eyes, man." Brian kneels down kissing Dixie's pregnant belly.
"Beautiful," Rome says as he watches.
"That's where he belongs," Letty says as she watches.
"Home," Dom says in agreement with her. "Where he's always belonged." Letty looks over at Dom with a small smile before looking back at Brian and Dixie.
"Things are gonna be different now," Rome says with a small smile causing Tej to smile and nod in agreement. Brian picks Nico up causing Nico to laugh as Dom stands up.
"You aren't going to say goodbye?" Ramsey asks Dom as he starts walking away while Brian puts Nico down.
"It's never goodbye," Dom answers her as he watches Brian wrap an arm around Dixie. Brian kisses Dixie before they hear Dom's car.

Dom is driving before he comes to a stop at a four way stop.
"Hey," Dixie says as Brian pulls up beside Dom.
"You thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" Brian asks Dom with a smile.

"I used to say I live my life a quarter-mile at a time," Dom thinks with a smile. "And I think that's why we were family. Because you both did too."

"Tuna on white, no crust, right?" Mia asks as he lays a magazine on the counter.
"I don't know. How is it?" Brian asks causing Dixie and Mia to look at eachother and roll their eyes.
"Every day, for the last three weeks, you've come here, asking how the tuna is," Dixie says with a smirk as she flips the towel onto her shoulder. "Now, it was crappy yesterday. It was crappy the day before. And guess what? It hasn't changed because she doesn't know how to make tuna." Brian smiles at her as Mia glares at the back of her head.
"I'll have the tuna," Brian says as Dixie leans against the counter, causing him to have a hard time trying not to check her out.
"No crust?" Dixie asks as she looks at Brian with a raised eyebrow for confirmation.
"No crust," Brian confirms with a small smile.
"Mia, tuna on white, no crust," Dixie says as she notices the magazine Brian is looking at.

"What do you got there?" Dom asks as Brian walks over to them.
"This is your car," Brian answers him.
"My car?" Dom asks as Jesse hits the car and Dixie runs her finger across it before looking at all the dirt on her finger. "I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car."
"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it," Jesse says causing Letty to laugh.
"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line," Dixie adds causing Mia to nudge her and send a slight glare.
"No faith," Brian defends himself causing Dixie to smile.
"I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage," Dom tells him.

"We used to drag here back in high school. That railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter mile away from here. On green, I'm going for it," Dom says before they all start revving their engines. The light turns green as Dom takes off in a wheelie. Dom and Dixie quickly get in front of Brian as Dom touches the ground again. Brian has to use his NOS to keep up with them. Brian sees a train up ahead before looking over at Dom and Dixie, who simply speed up. Seeing that Dom and Dixie aren't going to stop, Brian hits his NOS and they all jump the track just missing getting hit by the train.

Dom leans against the car in defeat as they hear the sirens in the distance.
"Dom, let's go," Dixie says as she starts to head towards her car. Brian pulls his keys out of his pocket and hands them to Dom.
"You know what you're doing?" Dom asks him as he takes the keys from him.
"I owe you a 10-second car," Brian answers before Dom nods as Dixie smiles at Brian.

"It's official," Hobbs says as he stands in front of Dixie, Brian, Mia, Letty, and Dom. "You're all free." Tej and Rome fist bump as Dom notices Elena behind Hobbs, who hands the file to Dom. "It wasn't half bad, having you work for me."
"We all know you were working for me, Hobbs," Dom says with a chuckle.
"Agree to disagree," Brian says causing them all to smile. "Thank you."
"Good luck," Hobbs tells him before Brian, Dixie, and Nico go into the garage.

"Hey, hold up," Dom tells him. "Because you were the first to reach in to get the chicken, you say grace." Dixie and Mia share a smile before crossing their hands.
"Dear heavenly..." Jesse starts but doesn't know how to continue.
"Spirit," Leon says helping him out.
"Spirit. Thank you," Jesse says causing Dixie to smile even bigger as she and Brian make eye contact. For some reason Dixie found herself getting closer to Brian and she knew that it was wrong, especially with him going after her sister. "Thank you for providing us with a direct port nitrous injection, four core intercoolers and ball-bearing turbos and titanium valve springs. Thank you."
"Amen," Letty says as she and Leon clap.
"Not bad," Dom tells him.
"He was praying to the car gods, man," Letty says before they start fixing their plates.

"It's spicy," Mia warns with a smile.
"I like it hot," Dom says as he puts some on his plate before taking a bite.
"Dom, what are you doing?" Mia asks shocked. "You reached first, you have to say grace." Dom takes a drink as Mia and Brian fold their hands.
"Thank you, Lord, for blessing this table..." Dom starts and doesn't seem as if he would continue.
"With food, family, and friendship," Mia finishes with a smile on her face.

"Come on, man, lets get with it." Rome grabs a chip before taking a bite.
"First bite, he's got grace," Brian says as he points at Rome causing Dixie to smile. "House rules, man. House rules."
"It's whatever," Rome says as he sits down.
"Okay Roman," Dom says with a smile. "Bless our table." Everyone, who can, grabs hands as they bow their heads with Brian kissing Dixie's hand a few times causing her to lightly giggle.
"Father, thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are. Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way. Thank you for our little angel. Thank you for bringing Letty and Dixie home. And most of all, thank you for fast cars."

Brian and Dom both take off from the four way stop. They look at each other and smile before they each take a different path at the fork in the road.

"No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter-mile away or halfway across the world. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother and sister."

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