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Dom busts through a wall with the team following behind him as explosions go off all around the base they are in.
"You were only supposed to create a diversion, Roman," Letty says over the comms as they see most of the base on fire.
"That was a diversion!" Roman argues with her.
"How many of the explosives did you use?" Brian asks him worriedly as there is another explosion.
"I don't know, Brian," Roman answers him as they drive past a big fire. "All of it?"
"Wait, all of it?" Tej asks him as if he was crazy.
"Roman, Jesus Christ," Hobbs says as he shakes his head.
"We got more of your fan club ahead," Letty says as she sees several vehicles heading towards them. Dom and Dixie make a quick turn with the team and the other vehicles following them.
"They're still on us!" Tej says as he sees the vehicles.
"These guys are taking this personal," Roman says as they start shooting at him.
"Roman, we just blew up their facility and stole their EMP," Hobbs explains to him while shaking his head. "Other than your doctor's cold finger, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get."
"He's got a point," Brian tells him as he smiles.
"Phase two," Dom orders as he glances over at Dixie, who nods.
"Phase two?" Roman asks since he wasn't filled in about phase two. "So you just gonna keep that to yourself? What happened to Phase one? What about that part?"
"Yeah. Remember the airplane?" Tej reminds him as he rolls his eyes.
"Everyone drove their cars out but you?" Brian adds while shaking his head.
"I told y'all, my engine seized up," Roman says quickly to defend himself.
"It's your balls that seized up," Letty states with a chuckle, causing Dixie to smile despite the current situation.
"Just follow my lead, okay?" Tej tells Roman as he prepares for what is to come. "And, Roman, whatever you do, don't think."
"Huh?" Roman says as he looks at the comms system in confusion.
"Tej, drop it," Dixie orders, causing Tej to smile.
"Bombs away," Tej says happily before he presses a button.
"Split now," Dom orders as a wrecking ball drops towards them.
"Holy shit!" Roman yells as it swings by him before it takes out most of the vehicles that are following them. "Great plan, Tej," Roman says as he sees the few vehicles still following them. "But just so you know, you missed some."
"Oh, just wait for it," Tej tells him before the wrecking ball starts swinging back towards them, taking out the remaining vehicles.
"Oh, shit!" Roman yells as the wrecking ball takes off his side mirror before he sees the smiley face painted on the wrecking ball. "I hate you Tej."
"Got your ass," Tej says as he and Ramsey laugh. Brian pulls up beside Dixie as he looks over at her, causing her to force a smile on her face.
"You good?" Brian asks her concerned, seeing past the forced smile.
"I will be when this is all over with," Dixie answers him with a nod, causing Brian to to frown as she speeds ahead to catch up to Dom. Brian couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen, but little did he know it already had and was going to get much worse.
"All right, great job, team," Hobbs says as they leave the base. "Let's break off and meet me at the safe house." Brian, Letty, Tej, and Roman turn right while Hobbs, Dixie, and Dom turn left. Brian looks in his rear view mirror confused since Dixie was supposed to break off with them.

"A hell of a job, Toretto's," Hobbs says as Dom drives beside him with Dixie following behind him. "When we get back to the base, the beer's on me." Dom rams into Hobbs, causing him to hit a light pole before his truck flips multiple times. Hobbs gasps in shock as he tries to get his bearings before Dom and Dixie drive over to him. Hobbs finds that his leg is trapped as they get out of their cars. "You lost your goddamn mind, Dom?" Dom and Dixie walk around to the back of the truck where the EMP is. "Toretto's, y'all put hands on that thing, you're both gonna have the whole world gunning for you, including me." Dixie unstraps the EMP before Dom starts taking it to his car. "I don't know what you're doing, but you better think about this." Dixie stops walking as if she is thinking about it. "It ain't too late to stop this."
"Yeah, it is," Dixie says sadly as she glances back at Hobbs before Dom puts the EMP in his car.
"It is now," Hobbs says to himself as Dixie gets into Dom's car before Dom drives off as Hobbs hears sirens heading towards them. Hobbs grabs his walkie that had disconnected from the comms system. "Those sumbitches just crossed us."
"What?" Roman asks him as Brian looks at his comms system confused since Dixie and Dom are the only ones near Hobbs.
"Wait a second, what are you talking about?" Tej asks him confused as well.
"Dom and Dixie took the EMP," Hobbs answers them as he tries to move his leg.
"Bullshit," Brian tells him as he shakes his head, knowing that Dixie and Dom would never betray their family.
"Where are you?" Letty asks Hobbs with a sigh as Dom's last words to her run through her head. I'll see you when it's done.
"It's too late for me. Get outta here," Hobbs answers her as the sirens of police cars get closer to him. "I saw that look in their eyes, and I've seen that look before. Dominic and Dixie Toretto just went rogue."

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