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Mom came in to the kitchen and said to me that to make coffee for the guest and bring it to living room. I said to mom okay I'll make coffee.

Mom went to the living room and I start making the coffee. Suddenly my phone started buzzing. I glanced on phone and Natalie was calling me. I picked the call

" Anna don't say a word I want you to meet you right now, you don't know what happened yesterday after you went from the work shop" she said

I gasp and thought I don't want hear about him. I am stressed out because of Joseph I don't want hear about anyone life.

" Natalie I also want to tell you about something"

" What's the matter? You didn't sound normal" she said

I took deep breath and pause for a moment...

" Ummm yesterday I met with Joseph and Daniel knew about it. He grounded me"
She shouts suddenly, so loudly it makes my eardrum vibrates like a tuning fork.
I swear, tearing down the phone away from my ear. She calm down double quick and said,

" What! Why would you met with that maniacs I warned you about him but you didn't listen to me"

" I am regretting for it now and I'll try to meet you today. I have to go now mom is calling me"

I hung up the phone and grab a serving tray from cabinet and pour coffee in mugs. I holds the tray with both hands and walk towards the living room.

" Mom... Mom...

I raised my gaze and saw Joseph and his mom and dad were sitting with Daniel and mom. I was shocked and the coffee tray fell from my hand and shattered into pieces.

I remained still, mom came to me and drag me from my arm towards her room. I still can't believe what just I saw for a moment I thought that it was just a nightmare but then reality punch me in the face when mom said,

" Annalise Joseph and his family came for your hand for their son and Daniel agree for your marriage"

Tears roll over to my cheeks...

" No! No! Danial can't do this to me. I can't marry to that Maniacs. I never seen him that why. Mom you can't do this to me"

Mom said, Joseph earn good and his family is respectful. What is the problem in this relationship.

Air is no reachable to my lungs. I gasp for breath. My heart feels constricted, as if a steel hand have reached inside of my body and squeezing it like a fucking dough.

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