The unstoppable widespread

60 13 9

Lives are getting lost, 

On the doorstep of compulsions.

Breathing is getting worse,

 And heartbeats are sinking.

In the extinguished eyes, 

The ocean of sorrow is pouring out.

The corpses have been burnt, 

But the feelings are being smoldered alive.

Whose identity was speed,

Those roads are deserted today.

Medicines are spread everywhere, 

But I have heard that the disease is incurable.

Maybe it was a big sin, 

Because of which the nature is so angry,

Now it's time for us to pay for our sins,

Time for us to sit quietly and watch the devastation.

Ignorance wasn't acceptable to the time, 

The folks were roaming around carelessly.

Now everyone is worried for life, 

Confined in the shadow of fear, 

Is under house arrest.

Distance has become medicine,

Now this is the way of living, 

The struggle is to win it, 

This is the battle of life.

The passengers are lost,

But the path is visible, 

Of course the path is small, 

But the destination is visible, 

After breaking through the darkness, 

A bright day is gonna come again.


𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now