Chapter 4

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It was the next day, Ayato told Yui what happened to him and his brothers after she died. They all went their separate ways, Shu and Reiji has girlfriends. Laito hanging out at clubs. Kanato works at a bear shop and Subaru still lives at the old mansion.

All of them have their own house so Ayato has been living by himself.

Ayato was in his office finishing his work on his labtop. Ayato makes money by working at home do he just br in his office.

A knock on his door made him look up.

"Come in."

The door opens showing Yui in a summer red dress.

Her body looks good in anything now.

"I'm not interrupting you am I?" Yui asked.

"No I'm done, something wrong?" Ayato asked as she walks over to him.

"I can't do this."

"Do what?"

"Meet my birth dad, what if he doesn't want to see me."

Ayato called Yui's father and told him she was back.

Ayato grabs her hand bringing her in his lap.

"When I told him he sounded happy, he'll be here this afternoon."

Yui lays her head on his chest.

"But I never met him, I don't know what he looks like." Yui said.

"He's a tall man, black hair, red eyes and light tan skin."

Yui sighs just have to be positive.

"Did you tell your brothers or the Mukami's?"

"Do you want be to?"

"I don't know, they're going to ask me to much questions."

"I can tell them to."

"Okay. So what do you do for work?" Yui asked, trying to change the subject.

"A virtual assistant."

"You're joking right?"

"Look for yourself."

Yui sits forward in his lap moving the labtop, scrolling through things.

"Since when do you be interested in this stuff." Yui said still scrolling.

"People change you know." Ayato said.

"I would've guess you became a basketball coach since you play basketball but I was wrong."

Ayato laughs, "You don't know me either." Sliding hands from her knees up to the hems of her dress slowly pulling it up.

Yui sits up looking at Ayato.

"Really Ayato."

"What? We haven't done anything since yesterday." Ayato pulls her to him kissing her neck.

"And you want to do this in your office?"

"Why not? It's not like we're going to stay in the same place forever."

Yui blushes and quickly turns her head, Ayato kisses her neck leading her putting her hands on the desk.

"Let's have some fun."


It was the afternoon, Ayato and Yui was sitting in the living room having a conversation.

"Why do you have a castle to yourself?" Yui asked.

"Cause I'm taking the throne." Ayato replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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