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Recovery Girl's office was as busy as usual today. There seemed to be an influx of hero course students that would come in during or directly after their training sessions. As a result, the old woman was using her quirk as much as she was used to. As well as scolding a few of the more reckless ones that came in.

As the old woman worked on dressing a wound on one of the second years, the door opened and a set of students walked in. Spiky red hair and just as spiked ash-blonde hair came in, annoyed looks on their faces that were trying to hide the embarrassment that they were here.

Recovery Girl turned to the pair of first years and sighed. She pointed to an empty set of beds and motioned for the pair to go over and take a seat. They did so without any words exchanged.

"I'll be over to see you both when I finish here." Recovery Girl told them, still taking her time dressing the minor wound.

"I'll handle it!" A chirper voice spoke and she was soon heading towards the pair.

Recovery Girl nodded and sighed in relief. She was grateful for her intern and that she was much quicker in her work thanks to her youth. Those two trouble makers would be in good hands now, as well as get a slight scolding from their senpai.

Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou turned to gaze at the older student who stopped before them. She had long white hair tied into a high ponytail. Her hair reached down to her waist and seemed to have some spikiness to it at the ends of the long ponytail. She had a pair of black bobby pins on one side of her bangs, most likely to keep the hair out of her eyes. A single black crescent moon earring was also on this side.

Her eyes were a dark silver and held a gleam of amusement in them as she gazed at the boys. Her hands came to rest on her hips, showing that her UA blazer had been tied around her waist instead of being worn. From her posture alone, the girl seemed rather easygoing.

"So... what happened?" She asked, trying to not show off too much of a smirk.

She had an idea of what had happened, as these two first years were pretty infamous by this point in the year. Plus, with the various cuts, bruises, and scorch marks the girl could guess what had happened.

"Someone got a bit into our sparring match." Kirishima sighed, crossing his arms.

"Huh?!" Bakugou rose his voice. "Weren't you the one who said you wanted to go all out?!"

"Not to the point where All Might sends us to the nurse's office!" Kirishima retorted.

A petty squabble started between the pair, both trying to convince the girl that the other boy was the reason they ended up here. Their senpai simply sighed and rose both of her hands above their heads.

Her hands glowed softly and with a powerful thrust downwards, she slammed both her palms onto each one of the heads of the boys. Each stopped their arguing as she did so and let out soft cries of surprise and pain.

As she removed her hands, each rubbed their heads and looked at her with glares. She simply laughed as her quirk started to go to work. The injuries started to disappear as her light enveloped each of their bodies. By the time her light faded, Bakugou and Kirishima looked as if they never fought to the point of injury to begin with.

"Woah!!" Kirishima blinked, looking over his hands. "H-how?!"

His fists had been used to the point where his knuckles were bleeding, but now they looked clean and untouched. Bakugou was in a similar boat, his hands were not calloused or cracked from his constant explosion use, but rather soft and smooth.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now