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"Ow! That really hurts!"

Mizuki hummed, not listening to Nejire's complaints as she continued to treat any wounds she had earned herself. The periwinkle-haired girl pouted, obviously not liking how her friend had decided to treat her so roughly.

"If you stopped struggling and actually sat still... then I wouldn't have to keep tightening the bandages to make sure you don't hurt yourself anymore!" Mizuki huffed and Nejire sighed.

She finally sat still and Mizuki went to work. The day had barely started and already there was so much tragedy. Mizuki closed her eyes for a moment, hoping that things would take a bright turn soon. As this wasn't the scene she had wanted to walk in on with Recovery Girl.

The neighborhood looked to have been nearly destroyed, making Mizuki see that some of the battle inside the yakuza mansion had leaked out onto the street. The mansion was in even worse shape, showing signs of several fights and quirks having been met and pushed against one. The only thing that was worse than the building... were the people themselves.

Recovery Girl hadn't lied when she said that there were various injuries, of varying degrees. Some heroes only had minor scrapes and bruises, others were unconscious and being wheeled out on stretchers. Those on the stretchers would be going to get medical treatment at a hospital, as simple treatment and healing quirks might not be good enough for them in the states they were in.

A lot of the pros were heading to the hospital, but a few of Mizuki's peers from UA as well. Some were taken while they rested and others knew that it would be best if they went and hopped inside the ambulance for a ride there.

Mizuki was trying to not let it distract her though, as she had people here who needed her to look after them and help them. Nejire being one of them.

She wasn't as injured as some of the others, but Mizuki still wanted to be sure that she got treatment. Nejire's two kouhais sat nearby, looking rather melancholy as they waited for their turn. Mizuki only worked harder, seeing that if she could make anything better about this situation, it would be that she could help their bodies feel less beat up and injured.

But she could understand the sentiment. There had been a couple first years who had come along... four if Mizuki remembered right. Only two of them remained here, the other two having already been taken to the hospital. The worry on those two girl's faces was obviously for more than just themselves.

Nejire was silent for once, as she too was worried for others outside of herself. Mizuki was in the same boat. Mirio and Sir Nighteye still hadn't come out and Amajiki had sustained some serious injuries. The only thing that made this day a win... was that the leader of this little group had been taken down and the little girl he had been torturing was now safe and hopefully would have a better life now. But Mizuki still felt downtrodden. She still felt as if this wasn't the end of it, like... something was still brewing and waiting for the right moment to strike and catch everyone off guard.

"Try to not move around too much, okay Nejire?" Mizuki muttered, seeing Nejire nod her head slowly.

Her usual peppy attitude was gone and a frown was on her face instead. She didn't look like Nejire, and she certainly wasn't acting like her either. Mizuki left her to think things over, having a feeling that even someone as energetic as Nejire needed a somber moment to herself after a situation like this.

So, Mizuki moved on to the other two girls. They too didn't say much, and unlike Nejire didn't squirm when Mizuki treated them with both her quirk and the wound treatment supplies. Mizuki sighed when she finished wrapping the final cut on the brown-haired first year girl and then motioned for her to go and join her froggy friend and wait for further orders.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now