Lily's Mixed Feelings

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Words : 451

James Potter! She thought in disgust. Loves bullying people,thinks he is such a hero. And mudblood am i? BOYS! Will they leave me alone? And there's a hogsmeade weekend this week i swear James will ask me out again and ill have to say no. What a hypocrtie cant he get a hint that i DONT want to go out with him?!

Thats a lie.. said a small voice in her head.

No its not snapped lily back

Yes it think he is think he is handsome and so do many other

He could look however he liked but i still dislike his bullying attitude

But you considered going out with him

"No I didn't!" And these words burst out of her mouth.

"Er- Lily.." said a soft voice behind her.

Lily blushed it was Mary Macdonald who had been watching her.

"Y-yes?" she stumbled

"Severus Snape's outside,he's threatening to sleep outside if you dont go and talk to him" siad Mary

"Not again!" Snapped Lily. She stipped blushing and went to the portrait, only to see snape standing there looking terrified and wringing his hands.

"Im sorry!" He said

"Im not interested" said lily

"Im really sorry"

"Save your breath"

It was night time and lily was really tired not to mention furious.

"I only came out because Mary told me you would have slept out here" she said bitterly.

"I would! I didn't meant to call you mudblood-"

"But you call everyone of my birth mudbloods so why should i be any different?" She snapped back,her bright green eyes were slits of fury.

"I was just ashamed and humiliated,i wanted people to know i could..could handle things myself. I really didn't mean to call you mudblood it just—"

"Slipped out?" There was no remorse in her voice. " i dont want anything to do with you anymore,I've made excuses for you for YEARS! none of my friends understand why i would stay with a dark wizard. You and your precious little pure blood death eater gang cant wait to join you-know-who can you?" She asked

Snape opened his mouth but closed it again looking defeated.

"YOU SEE! you dont even deny it! I cant associate with you anymore,you've chosen your lane, I've chosen mine,nothing more to discuss!" She finished of irritated and went back in muttering things that sounded very like "boys". Though she still didnt know how she felt about James Potter. He could be areogant but he is funny,charming,handsome and smart. She felt disgusted with her self for a moment for even considering it then felt confused with herself.

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