Chapter 2 Dating a Mannequin

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I'm sorry for super late update… im so busy at home… well ill try to upload every now and then if I'm not too busy…

sorry in advance if there are any TYPO or grammatical error. 


Chapter 2...

Mannequin POV

I entered his house and saw some pictures on the wall.

An old couple wearing huge smile on their face, a lady on the right making funny face and him happily holding his diploma.

"Is this your family?" I asked him.

I wonder how it feels to have parents, to have someone to call mom or dad. I have a master but he's not my father, he's my creator. He died just a month ago, but he's a nice Master. He treated me like human, like a family.


Mannequin's POV

"Open your eyes now my dear" said a voice to me. I slowly opened my eyes, the light at first blinded me but my eyes adjusted fast.  I looked at the old man who's holding my hand.

"Ah, alas my dear you're awake." his voice was a little husky. He looked at the man who wore a white robe, as If asking permission.

"She can talk and understand you" the man on white robe said.

"You must be wondering where you are, I'm Mr. Makoto and this is Dr. Shimura. We created you."

He said. Created what does he mean by created?

"Created? What am I?" I said sounding confused. I look at my hand, They are porcelain white just like a mannequin.

"You are a hybrid cyborg. One of a kind, you talk, eat, think, and act like a human. But there's one thing your whole system automatically recharge at 12midnight."

What? I don't understand? I'm not human? But I can hear and feel a heartbeat.

"I'm a cyborg?"

"Yes you are. Well you don't look like one. When your body recharges your whole body stiffens and well, you will look like a mannequin." The Doctor explains. He keeps on talking and explaining all the details of me.

After a long months of training my body and learning the basics of human living. The old man or should I say my creator brought me to his home.

"Welcome to your home. The dinner will be ready in a few. Your room is the second door to your right"

I bowed to him and went directly to my room. I took a shower and changed clothes.

He treated me like his own child, feed me, give me clothes, taught me everything I need to know. Everyday he tells me stories about how I looked like his dead wife. They didn't had a child that's why he created me.

"He's dying he doesn't have much time left. He wanted you to have this. I already fixed all the documents, and things needed."

After a week my master died living me an enormous amount of wealth. He gave me everything he had and left me a note that u will only open on the right time. When's the right time? That I don't know.

--------- Back to the present--------

"you can sleep on my bed. I'll sleep here out here. There's a food on the table if you want to eat"

Realizing he doesn't want to answer my question, I keep on looking at the pictures on the wall.

I felt something inside me, something familiar, oh no! What time is it? My toes started to tingle and my fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2011 ⏰

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