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Ethan's hideout.

It was a few hours after the shootout, Everything started to go back to normal, They starting to repair the Tower after what happened.

Amber: So how many rounds does this thing hold?

She is looking at a gun in her hand like it was a puppy.

Nick: There are twenty rounds in your basic magazine.

Then she decided to point a gun at a nearby window

Nick: Get your finger off the guard, You're gonna put a hole in the window!

Amber: Relax. Hey! Micky!

Micky: What's that?

Amber: Uh... My gun?

Then he takes it from her and puts it on a nearby table.

Micky: Nick, What do you think you are doing?

Amber: Just giving me some... weapon intel. So like I'm part of a team now, Huh?

Nick: Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

Sam: Welcome back, Micky.

Micky: Good to see you too, Sam.

Amber: So what's up?

Then she turns on the TV

Sam: They're making it official.

Ironwood: -- that the kingdom of Atlas and Vale has conducted a joint operation that has kill Cinder Fall, The leader of the terrorist organization that's behind the attack of Beacon Academy. We give thanks to the brave men and women who worked tirelessly to bring these terrorists to justice. Remnant will never know their work. Their name will be lost to history. But their sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Then Ethan is carrying some bags.

Micky: So this is goodbye?

Ethan: Something like that.

Micky: Can you at least hugging your brother-in-arms?

Ethan: Alright fine.

Then he goes to hug everyone in the room.

Ethan: Are ya happy now?

Sam: What about those hunters?

Nick: We basically do 80% of their work.

Sam: At least they could give them some credit.

Ethan: You guys know what? I'm gonna take my wife and take a vacation somewhere in Mistral.

Sam: Oh, Speaking of Mistral, Someone told me it was very nasty this time of year.

Ethan: Yeah I can take care of a few thugs.

Sam: And someone wants to talk to you.

Then someone calls on his scroll.

Ozpin: Hello there Mr.Hunters.

Ethan: Ozpin.

Ozpin: Look like we started on the wrong foot so let forget anything that is happening last night.

Ethan: I'm sorry about your arm.

Ozpin: It alright. So where's Qrow.

Ethan: Oh. I locked him inside a safe house in Mistral.

Ozpin: Nevermind, He's here.

Ethan: So what do you want?

Ozpin: I need you to find The Spring Maiden.

Ethan: Why? Is she in danger or something?

Ozpin: She not in danger, Ethan. She is the danger.

Ethan: So where's she?

Ozpin: My guess is in Mistral.

Ethan: Great, I was also going there too.

Ozpin: Good luck on your mission then.

Ethan: Well, Look like I got a job to do.

Micky: What is that?

Ethan: Old Oz wants me to go find someone for him.

S/M/N: Good luck to ya.

Ethan: Yeah. Honey, Let go.

Then they walk into a car.

Ethan: Wanna turn on the radio?

Amber: Okay, I guess.

And then they ride into the sunset, The end

(Consider this an after credit scene)

Meanwhile somewhere in the Land of Darkness

??? 1: Mistress, I'm here to inform you that Cinder is dead and that her men are under arrest.

??? 2: What do you mean "Cinder is dead".

???: 1: She was killed by Ethan Hunters.

??? 2: ARGGHHH!!


??? 1: Tyrian!

Tyrian: Yes, My master.

??? 1: Find out where he is and I want his head.

Tyrian: It shall be done, My queen.


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A/N: Finally finish the damn book and thank whoever reading this. See ya next story!


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