Chapter Sixteen

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After closing Jack's office door shut, Richard clasped my hand and led me further down the hall and up a spiral staircase. He didn't speak a word since we left the office and still had a look of anger and disgust on his face.

"Richard?" my voice sounded small.

Richard blew out a sigh and continued his ascent up the stairs.

I decided to shake his hand a bit.

"Richard." I sounded more stern this time.

Richard stopped walking and turned toward me, he did not look content. He stood one step higher than me, making him look intimidating.

"You need to talk to me, you haven't spoken the entire walk here." I stated, acting seemingly unfazed by his stance.

Richard let go of my hand and sighed ferociously as he raked his hand through his hair.

"I hate that asshole." he grunted.

This I already knew.

"Okay, that's a start. Tell me what else is on your mind."

"Listen, I can't tell you what's on my mind, at least not out here. Someone could overhear and I would get into deep trouble."


"Okay." I replied.

"I'll take you to your room and we can talk there; it's soundproof." Richard stated, taking hold of my hand again.

Wait, what? Soundproof?

"Why is it soundproof?" I asked.

Richard froze, his jaw clenched.

"Let's just say that things get a little loud when Jack goes in there."

He continued climbing the stairs.


When we got to the top of the stairs, my legs felt as if they were about to fall off. Richard led me down one more hallway before stopping at a door all the way at the end.

"This is it." Richard stated in a low voice.

He didn't look fazed by the walk up the stairs and this astonished me.

Richard took out a golden key and unlocked the door; he opened it wide, allowing for me to pass through. He then closed the door firmly behind him and urged me to look around the room.

I let out a gasp as I let my eyes feast upon the sight.

The room was enormous; a king-sized bed lay in full view from the door on the opposite wall. There was a full length window on each side of the bed complete with red drapes that were pulled aside, allowing the dim sunset to spill through the room. The bed's comforter matched the drapes perfectly. I then noticed two doors on the far left side of the room.

"What are those two doors over there?" I asked Richard.

Richard walked over to one of the doors and opened it.

"This is your closet," he then opened the other door, "and this is your bathroom."

Once again, I was astonished. How big was this mansion anyway?

I walked over to the bed and sat down, looking at Richard expectantly. I tapped the empty space beside me with my hand. Richard got the message and sat next to me.

"We need to talk, Richard. I can see the emotions trapped inside of you, and you need to let it all out."

Richard sighed.

"Vent out on me!" I half-shouted while opening my arms wide.

Richard chuckled this time.

"Okay, fine." He whispered.

I was surprised of my forbearance while I waited for Richard to begin speaking. He seemed to have zoned out while staring at the carpet so I waved my hand in front of his face, attempting to wake him up.

"Richard?" I said sweetly.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking of where I should begin." he breathed.

"It's okay. Come on now, speak. I'm beginning to get restless."

He was like a book I was dying to read except the only catch, it was locked.

"Okay. I really, really loathe Jack. I hate what he has done to many girls and what he believes he is going to do to you. I-"

"What is he going to do to me?" I interrupted.

Richard sighed and raked a hand through his hair, making it look disheveled.

"He isn't going to do anything to you." Richard spoke through clenched teeth. "I won't let him."

This made my heart melt; the fact that this man, whom I barely knew, was so determined to protect me. No one has ever been this protective over me, except my parents of course.

I was rendered speechless as Richard took my hands in his.

"Allison, I promise you that I will not let that monstrosity lay a finger on you. Hell, I swear on my life."

He looked so handsome, the fierceness behind his words illuminated his features, making him look striking. His determination to keep me safe was unbelievable.

My eyes began to tear up; how could someone that barely knew me care so much about my safety? About me, in general.

I closed my eyes tight, attempting to put an end to the tears that were flowing out of my eyes.

I felt the bed move beneath me and felt Richard slowly, and delicately brush several tears off of my face.

He cupped my face with his hands and I felt myself unconsciously lean into his touch.

"This feels oddly familiar." Richard whispered.

I opened my eyes and noticed that Richard was sitting significantly closer to me. My eyes met his and I noticed that he, too was crying. There was another emotion visible in his eyes behind his sadness, I could not figure out what it was and this left me perplexed.

"Why do you care so much about me?" I whispered, almost to myself.

His gaze turned to the floor, he suddenly seemed worried. His eyebrows were furrowed and a small frown played on his lips.

"That is the other thing that I wanted to talk to you about." he paused and took a deep breath.

"I am falling for you, Allison."

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