Chapter Twenty Four

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The door creaked open, allowing a stream of light to illuminate a small portion of the basement. I turned my attention to the wall opposite to the door to see the shadow of the person who opened the door after my plea.

The shadow had curves, very familiar curves, and they belonged to a female.

It was Allison.

I could tell by the soft swoop of her neck, to the angular form of her shoulders; all the way from her hips to her toes, I could tell that this was my Allison.

I felt a tear fall from my eye, just from the sight of her shadow, her wonderful, beautiful shadow.

How could she have possibly gotten in? I heard Jack lock the door when he left this morning, and no one had been in to check on me since.

Allison closed the door, allowing the darkness to envelop her completely. All I could hear were the steps of the staircase creaking beneath her feet as she made her way toward me.

Each and every step I heard made me notice how deprived I had been today; deprived of food, water, and happiness. But each step made me feel as if I was approaching the end of the tunnel, the steps gave me hope. Allison gave me hope.


My head snapped up at the sound of her sweet, innocent voice. This act caused my head to spin as a result of my food deprivation. I squeezed my eyes shut and let my head hang low between my shoulders.

Before I knew it, Allison was on her knees in front of me and cupping my face with her cold, soft hands, wiping away my tear with a delicate touch of her thumb.

"Your hands are cold." I mumbled, looking up at her through my hooded eyes.

I felt so lethargic and weak that I could barely hold my eyes open.

"When was the last time you ate?" She asked, very concerned.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Allison sighed and answered, "I don't know, I haven't seen a clock the entire time I've been here. I think it's around lunchtime though."

Lunchtime? Only lunchtime? It feels as if I have been left here for a longer time than that.

"I ate a little over 18 hours ago then." I answered.

I saw a wave of hurt wash over Allison's face, and I had the strange urge to kiss it all away. She shouldn't have had to feel the pain that I put her through; she deserved so much better.

"Don't feel bad, Allison. I deserve this; I deserve to be put down here after what I did to you."

A shocked look crossed her face and her hands retreated from my face into her lap.

"Richard, don't you dare say anything like that ever again. You didn't have a choice, not with a boss like that jackass." She said with meaning.

I shook my head.

"No Allison, I deserve-"

Allison shook her head vigorously and crashed her lips against mine, cradling my head in her hands.

The feel of her lips against mine was enough to send me over the edge, and I knew that I would never be able to let her go, ever. But I knew in my mind, that I would have to sooner or later; and I knew from past experiences that sooner is better than later.

I pulled away from Allison and tried to catch my breath as I spoke my next words.

"Kiss me like it's the last time. Kiss me so that I have something to hold onto for the rest of my life, however long I have left." I breathed.

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