The Slytherin

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"Now remember that you should have fun"said the young girls father

"Ok father see you in holidays"said young Celeste

Celeste Astra Slytherin is a 16 year old girl who was in her 6th year at Hogwarts

The young Slytherin went on the train

"Cele!!" called two people who where the girls best friends

"Cissy!! Elsa!!" there they where

Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black

Narcissa was soon to be a Malfoy she was going to marry Lucius

"Really why do you call me that?" Lucius said trying to keep a serious face

" Do you remember why i do?" the Slytherin asked

"Oh please don't remind me" said the young Malfoy


First year

Lucius Narcissa and Celeste where late to class and where running

Narcissa accidentally hit Lucius with a singing spell

Who thought that he will start singing.....

Let it go
(Am i the only one listening to the song?)

"Come on Elsa" said the young Slytherin and Black

Flashback over

"Best day ever" said the Slytherin

Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy

Unlike the others Lucius and Narcissa didn't use Celeste

The others will try to friend her because she was


Pure blood

And most of all

Salazar Slytherin daughter

A few minutes later they found themselves in a compartment

The Slytherin girl remembered Bellatrix Black

But the others where unfamiliar

"Guys this is Celeste" said Narcissa

Narcissa was kind and cared for others

"Wow Narcissa you bring us a mudblood" said a boy who had greasy hair

"You might wanna take that back" said The young Malfoy

"Why"the same boy said

"You shouldn't mess with her"said Narcissa

"You don't wanna mess with her" said Lucius

"Couse if you mess with me your messing with my family" she said

"Im not scared" he said again

"Hello there im Celeste Astra Slytherin" the girl said with a smirk

The boy gasped he look scared

The Slytherin where more than rich after all

"I-im s-so so-sorry"he said

Celeste was amused

"Im Regulus Black" said the boy who was next to Bellatrix

"Evan Rosier" said the one next to the one who was being rude

"And you are?" she asked

"Severus Snape" he said or more like whispered

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