Chapter 2 - On The Same Page

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After some asking around, Hoag was able to locate the homes that Amy and Good Billions were staying in. Given it may be an easier feat, he decided to talk to the Newton Wolf first. Of course, easier did not particularly mean easy, as this was a wolf and they weren't exactly known for their anger management skills.

However, the Newton Wolves were very analytical and organized, so getting an answer would likely be easier than trying to get an answer from Amy, who was much more prone to emotion. So, with that, Hoag walked to the apartment that Good Billions stayed in when he wasn't working at the observatory.

He took a deep breath before knocking on the door. It was a firm knock, but not too loud or aggressive. He wanted to keep the mood as light as possible. Some shuffling and commotion was heard before the door opened. Billions' face went from curious to annoyed as he saw who it was. "What do you want?" he asked, annoyed but still respectful. Hoag realized that this might be harder than he anticipated. "May I come in?" he asked nervously. Billions sighed before reluctantly opening the door.

Upon walking in, Hoag was surprised to see a not mutated wolf run up to him with excitement. Hesitantly, he pet the wolf, gaining an annoyed look from Billions. He retracted his hand before awkwardly sitting down on the couch. There was a small TV that had an old-world documentary about space playing, though the sound was off.

"So" Good Billions said, walking into the living room after locking the front door once more. He was being hospitable, but Hoag could tell it was very forced. "To what do I owe the..." Billions trailed off, gritting his teeth "...pleasure?"

"Well..." Hoag started awkwardly "I have been getting the impression that you aren't particularly the biggest fan of me?" he said with uncertainty, looking at the scientist. To his surprise, Billions actually chuckled at this, as if he had just told a sort of funny joke. "Well, glad we're on the same page" Billions replied with an uncharacteristic coldness. He could be a bit dismissive, sure. But cold? That was rare.

"I..." Hoag trailed off, unsure as to how to respond to that. "Is there a specific reason?" he settled on. Might as well just go for it he thought to himself. If I stall, he might think I'm stupid or hiding something, and I may not get any answers

In response to the question, Billions groaned in annoyance before whistling. The non-mute wolf ran in cheerily with a small bark. The scientist chuckled, before turning back to Hoag with a cold expression. "Do you know who this is, Hoag?" he asked, keeping the cold expression

Hoag wracked his brains trying to come up with an answer to why the smaller wolf looked so familiar, but couldn't think of it. Accepting defeat, he broke away from eye contact, shook his head, and mumbled out a small "No, I don't". For a moment, he expected the scientist to pounce him, pin him to the ground, and try to kill him for not knowing the answer, but that of course didn't happen. He's more civilized than that Hoag reminded himself

"This is my brother" the wolf said coldly. Hoag wasn't catching on until... "You shot him with Dr. Emilia's 'cure'"


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