Chapter 3 - It's A Start

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It now made a lot more sense why there was a random, non-mutated wolf in the house. You caused that, Hoag a voice in his head said You turned his brother into a thoughtless husk of who he once was!

In an instant, Hoag stopped seeing Good Billions as a sophisticated animal. This was a person, and Hoag had hurt him deeply. No wonder he hates you Hoag thought to himself, feeling the guilt continue to wash over him.

"Oh" Hoag said flatly as the shock began to wear off. Billions just glared at him in response with a small yet hostile "Yeah... Oh"

"Look, Billions, if I-" the human started but was swiftly cut off by an annoyed "Don't" from the mute. Hoag shut his mouth after that. "Hoag, I appreciate that you seem to want to make amends, but it's not as easy as just showing up to my house and saying 'sorry'" Billions explained.

Hoag nodded. "You're right" he said, a sense of sadness in his tone. "My words won't fix what happened. I understand that" he continued quietly "But, for what it's worth... I am sorry"

Silence fell between them momentarily as Good Billions thought up his response.

"It's a start" he finally said with a small smile. Not one of comradery, but one of understanding and a small appreciation for the fact that Hoag was trying. "It's not a fix, but certainly a start. Like the beginning stages of any good science experiment" he added.

"How can I fix this?" Hoag asked. Billions went deep in thought once more before answering. "I'm not sure if this will work or even be possible, but perhaps we can see about making a cure for the mutes that you humans de-mutated"

Hoag gave a small smile. This was something he could potentially actually do. After all, Lio and Song were scientists, right? They had even been beginning some research on how to prevent the de-mutation process back before Prahm. Maybe they could be able to find a way to reverse it if they tried.

"Okay" Hoag replied "I might have an idea"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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