A Witch and a Vampire

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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. They belong to the creators of the show The Vampire Diaries. I'm only reimagining some of the events presented on the show between the characters for entertainment purposes. I don't intend to make any profits from this story.

This chapter follows the events after Emily possesed Bonnie and destroyed the crystal, leading Damon to attack her.


According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.

Stefan Salvatore has always been the better man.

Atleast that's what people say. And why not....he was kind, loyal, compassionate and most importantly...good.

Damon however, was none of those. He was never the favourite son or a good friend or even a decent human being. He didn't had the courage to stand up to his father's abuse. He even went to war for a cause he didn't believe in. Even when he became a deserter, he continued to live under his father's thumb.So Damon had no qualms about why Katherine would love Stefan.


He liked her spontaneity and her mischievous nature. The first time Damon saw her, he was stunned by her beauty, her grace. Over time, he started enjoying her devious mind and her passionate touches, her seductive smirks and her lust for control. They were kindered spirits... and like a moth drawn to a flame, Damon accepted his ruin.

Despite his infatuation, Damon knew very well, Katherine was falling for his younger brother. Even when she was in his arms, he could see her distracted, pining for someone else. But whenever she was with 'him', there was a difference in her demeanor. She looked less calculated and more free. As if only Stefan knew how to bring out Katherine's humanity.

But she still wouldn't let Damon go. And that was enough for him.

Because he knew, when the day came, Stefan would not give in to Katherine's demand and choose his own humanity. She will be angry, heartbroken and on that day, Damon would gladly be on her side, be her Icarus. But she had other plans and so did the founders...

His last mortal desire... to be with Katherine was destroyed by his father. He refused be a vampire without Katherine but Stefan took that away too subjecting him to centuries of loneliness and pain.

For the last 160years he had been searching for ways to free his one true love. He dabbled with witches, crazy scientists and even put his humanity at stake for her, until he finally found a way to finally set Katherine free.

But it's gone too...because of Emily Bennett. The witch he trusted, who's bloodline he protected, broke her promise. And now, the only person who had chosen him, is gone too.


Taking a sip of the bourbon, Damon wonders if fate wants him to be alone for the rest of his miserable undead existence. The thrill he had for the past few days to see Katherine is completely replaced with despair and a dull ache. Is this his punishment for not being good? Or for being too  naive in love and trusting somebody else other than himself?

He swirls the liquid around the glass one more time and gulp it down, welcoming the burning sensation in his threat. Anything to forget his failure.


Oh boy.

" Not today Stefan. Not today."

"I know you're hurt Damon. I'm sorry about Kath..."

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