From the ashes

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A/N: I absolutely adore each and everyone of you! I can't express how much your votes are pushing me to continue this story to the best of my ability. I'm rewatching the series again (can't stop swooning over Damon....again) to get a better grasp of the Damon's and Bonnie's thought process. I really enjoyed writing this chapter which was inspired by the events of Isobel and Founder's Day. Though the initial setting might feel similar to the series, I did take some creative liberty with the original script before easing into the crux of our story.

I really hope you will enjoy the character interactions in this chapter. Fingers crossed...

- SB

{Song recommendation: Always hate me by James Blunt; Demons by Imagine Dragons }

Disclaimer: The following characters belong to the creators of TVD. I'm only reimagining the events on the show for entertainment purposes and don't intend to make any profits from this.

The concept of Twin Flames in Hindu mythology, talks about every soul having a mirror self, a kindred spirit hidden across space and time waiting to find one another. No matter how far they are, the universe will conspire to bring them together, because it is the strongest, deepest and the purest form of love that can be experienced by two entities in existence.

Since the beginning of his undead life, Damon Salvatore had often wondered about manifold methods of torture for his younger brother. He would draw a sketch for his elaborate plan in his mind and then scrap it for a better one. This cycle would continue until Damon's head would hurt and he would rest his mind with some bourbon and blood.

Incidentally, Stefan was well aware of his brother's intentions as a result of multiple highly charged interactions with him over the past century. They would meet, they would bicker and they would fight; Damon would declare his anger; Stefan would drown in guilt and listen to the rants about the various punishments his brother had decided for him.

Most of them would consist of psychological trickery, with few interplays from medieval and modern devices, ensuring the least effort from Damon and worst possible outcome for Stefan, albeit in a classy manner.

They were after all the Salvatores...and they had a reputation to keep.

With the revelation of Katherine's betrayal, Stefan was somewhat relieved. He was sad for his brother ofcourse, and a bit suspicious after noticing his growing interest in his girlfriend, but overall he was happy to have stepped down from his brother's infamous hitlist.

So, Stefan's confusion was pretty understandable as he noticed the murderous glare that his elder brother was bestowing upon him at present. And this wasn't his usual I will torment you till the end of time look, but more like I will strangle you with my own hands right here right now, damn the Salvatore reputation.

Very uncouth and very unlike Damon.

Stefan looked around the room and found both Elena and Bonnie staring at his brother. None of them seem to notice the tension radiating off Damon, considering that's his usual demeanor these days. While Elena's face remains hopeful, bless her compassionate heart...Bonnie's calm persona bothered Stefan.

She should not be sitting here in the Salvatore library, so peacefully, debating the extension of her powers to vampires, her natural born enemy. The girl was almost mauled by Damon few weeks before and only a few days ago she witnessed his own bloodlust durring the ordeal with Amber. She even subdued him with the most painful migraine ever as he became unhinjed and spiraled out of control. That same girl now stands in their library extending her help in removing the spell from Emily's device against the vampires.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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