cookie theft

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You were the new security guard of the laboratory you were in charge of keeping everything in order and alinement and making sure nothing went wrong but one itsy bitsy teeny tiny problem you were shy and with a being a pig with a infant sounding snort really made it harder for you to work because all the time people wanted to boop the snoot you made it clear that you are shy time and time again until one day you got promoted to watch over the most  other worldly thing ever a red creature that had tendrils as arms but also on the creatures back obviously to use as alternate limbs and the eyes reminded you of an insect  a little bit none the less you were both amazed because you were a big fan of alien movies and slitly scared because the creature was just staring at you it was other curious or something other than that you felt as if it was trying to rip your soul out through your eyes and   left the creature was a very startling experience from what you seen but you can't help but remember that in every movie the creature is out for blood so you kept a tazer with you at all times and left the brake room to the sleeping quiorters you were there and unfortunately you had to take the night shift the one thing you hated was the night shift you hated the dark because of the stories you herd of as a child even after you were told they were fake you still believed that something was out there hidden in the mist of the night So when you were finally asleep the alarm went off and startled you awake and went to see what was wrong and it was in the specimen containment secter you pulled out the tazer and went to see what the commotion is only to see that the specimen known as parasee had escaped and you gulped as you looked around and saw nothing but when you started feeling followed by something you turned and used your torch only to see a cleaning robot vacuuming up the crumbs of the chips that you have been eating and continued but the next place scared you alot and that was the hanger for all the new aircraft they were making you shined it down the side of a banister and railing you gulped as you saw a detail you were scared of and that was the fact it was a ten story drop and could easily make someone a puddle but thankfully you were not back in the main hall and once again felt like you were being watched and followed by something you turned expecting to see a cleaning robot vacuuming up other stuff but what you got was a near heart attack as you turned to see what it was you came face to face with parasee you didn't know how to react or what to do so your body activated it's classical defense mechanism and you fainted from the scare you woke up at the laboratory intermarry and was ready to go back to work every one asked if you're okay and that's when someone asked where parasee got a thing of cookies from you went to the built in bedroom and saw that parasee had had been n there you dropped to your knees and in a saddened tone said this

You-my cookies

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