willow's acssedent doggy's problem

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Doggy-Well I'm not sure what to think about this why are we here again

Poley-well we were given the task of being willow's parol officers and make sure she doesn't try and steal anything from the store

Doggy-you mean bar right

Poley-no why you say that

Doggy-well I just saw her go in along with the other members of tsp

Poley-were going to have to arrest her aren't we

Doggy-no but can we plz move to a different place because my legs are trying to fall asleep and one is already out cold

Poley-okay right about here should be good

Doggy-thank goodness I'm going to wake them up

Inside the bar

Willow-so what are we going to do about it

Rash- I don't know what to do we just have to see

Willow-seriously rash................why do you flirt with me I don't want a boyfriend

Rash- c'mon you don't have to call me your hubby just call me your friend with benefits

Willow-why rash why and no I'm not going to call you my friend with benefits

Rash-😭 but why why

Willow-look all I want is to get payback on Doggy for arresting me

Rash-why you got payback when you pickpocketed his wallet it's like you like him or something

Willow-i don't like him I hate him he locked me up and ripped my family away from me so don't you dare say that I love him

Rash- easy willow easy didn't mean to make you mad

Willow-we now you know why I'm here I'm going to start the infection again and get everything back to my likeing

Rash-(;ŏ﹏ŏ) willow don't you think your going atad bit overhaul with that plan

Willow-no why

Rash- we litterly were almost thrown in death row and besides what are you going to do if the infection where's to go out of control

Kitty-rash has a point what happens if it does go haywire again

Tigry-i couldn't handle going through that again I can't

Pandy-its true I mean literally how are we going to get away with it if we have the police watching us

Willow-that's why I have this (brings out potion)





Willow-this is what I'm going to do I'm going to mix it with this alcohol and a bottle of passion fruit juice to make sure he can't get a good wiff of it and have a reason to arrest me

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