Dawn of the First Day

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It was a beautiful day in the land known as Termina. The sun was shining brightly and birds were singing, accompanied by the gentle blowing of wind from the Great Bay in the west. It would seem as just any average day in the capital, Clock Town, but there was just one thing that seemed to put everything oddly off--and that one thing was how close the moon seemed to be.

The legends said that the moon would fall and hit Termina on the night of the Carnival of Time, but there were many people who would just dismiss the superstition rather than overthink it. While the moon's freakish expression seemed to stare down directly at the large clock tower in the center of Clock Town, people just still wanted the carnival to continue on without delay.

You, a young Terminan Hylian girl by the name of _______, weren't even sure what to believe by now with all of the conflict taking place between the people around you. One moment evacuation seemed necessary to everyone, but then the next moment everybody wanted to stay for the Carnival of Time. Either way, you found yourself conflicted and you felt more obligated to go with the majority rule--and by now, it looked like everyone would be staying.

'Three more days,' you thought to youself, thinking about what would be either be your impending doom or one of the best nights of your life as you stared up at the huge moon in the sky above you. 'Three more days until I either lose my life or I have more fun than ever.'

Sighing, you finally turned your gaze away from the hideous moon and back to what was in front of you. Several feet ahead were the big doors to the interior of the clock tower, which were practically only there for those who repaired the giant clock whenever it would choose to stop working properly--or so you thought.

Your eyes felt as if they were burning from staring at the moon for too long, so you brought your hands up as small fists and rubbed the burning sensation out of both of them. As you allowed your arms to fall back to your sides, you then turned away from the doors of the clock tower.

Within minutes of beginning to walk towards the east side of Clock Town, someone ran into you. You yelped and nearly ended up falling, though you caught yourself before it could happen. In a rush to see who'd clumsily run into you, you whipped yourself around and found yourself facing a Deku Scrub that was clad in green.

You weren't very surprised to find a Deku Scrub in Clock Town--they came around every now and then after all. The Southern Swamp and Woodfall were located just to the south of Clock Town, where'd you'd immediately assumed that this clearly young Deku Scrub had come from.

"Ah! Sorry..!" The Deku you'd just encountered suddenly spoke to you. You shook your head in response, smiling lightly at the stranger.

"No, really, don't worry about it. It's alright," you said in a sincere tone, hoping not to come off as rude. You were very understanding when it came to someone making a mistake.

With a quick nod in your direction, the Deku Scrub suddenly turned away from you and began walking away speedily. You could easily tell that he was in quite a hurry, so you decided that you wouldn't try to stop him--he might've needed to be quick.

Sighing, you also resumed walking in the opposite direction. With only three days and three nights left before the Carnival of Time, you decided you might as well make yourself useful and help with the town's preparations. There was so much to do, but if anything you wanted to avoid the annoying kids that seemed to lurk aimlessly around Clock Town.

Even so, you felt something odd about the Deku Scrub that you'd just encountered. You couldn't put your finger on exactly what it was, but you didn't have time to think about that.

There was a carnival coming soon and there was no time to waste--or was there?

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