Night of the Last Day

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Time had seemed to pass rather quickly since the moment you'd been run into by that unfamiliar Deku Scrub just two days ago. Some moments seemed to pass much more quickly than others did, but you decided not to question it. As far as you were concerned, time just worked in funny ways every now and then.

One alarming thing though--how close the moon was. You already noticed how it looked like it was getting closer and closer every little second. Now it seemed to be so close that the majority of it blocked out the rest of the sky, and that wasn't normal. You had begun leaning more towards the 'evacuation' plan, though you knew you'd never be able to convince people to do so and there was absolutely no way evacuation could do any good by now.

It was literally just moments until the Carnival of Time would start, which would begin with the opening of the Clock Tower. Everybody was already gathering in South Clock Town for the ceremony--including yourself. You'd already been waiting around for a while now, once again mesmerized by the humongous moon up in the sky.

Upon looking away from the sky, you turned your attention to the Clock Tower. The large clock rang out as it struck 12:00am, queing the celebration to begin very soon. The stairs to the top opened up, then fireworks began going off. So far so good, it seemed. Maybe the legend of the moon falling really wasn't going to be a reality.

As you were about to look away from the tower though, something caught your eye--and that was a now very familiar Deku Scrub floating towards the stairs at the top of the Clock Tower. Confused, you carefully watched the Deku until he landed, then immediately disappeared up the stairs that had just opened up seconds before. What possibly could a Deku Scrub be doing up there? You had not a clue of a logical answer to that mental question.

Dismissing the odd happening, you turned your attention to your surroundings. It was the Carnival of Time, so you decided that you were going to make the best of it while it was still around. This didn't happen but once every year anyways.

Minutes passed. Nothing seemed to change--until the ground suddenly began to shake violently. Gasping in your own surprise, you frantically began looking around in hopes of finding out why exactly the Earth was shaking beneath your feet. Nothing. Everything looked completely normal... Until you looked up to the sky.

The moon was barreling down in the sky. Any minute now and it would hit Clock Town and destroy everything. The legend was real--the moon was really falling..!

Horrified, your eyes widened and you prepared for the worst. There would be no point in running now.

As you stared up at the falling moon, time suddenly froze. You began feeling an overwhelming sense of dizziness as everything turned white and backwards-ticking clocks rapidly spun around you. Then, memories began to leave you one by one and before you knew it, you were standing in South Clock Town, staring up at the sinister moon again. Every memory was gone, and it was three days before the Carnival of Time once again.

Of course, you weren't aware of time ever rewinding. To you, the days ahead had never occured. Nothing ever happened.

You looked away from the moon and rubbed your eyes, then examined everything around you. People were preparing for the carnival, actively decorating the town for the occasion.

Sighing, you began to walk, turning your back to the large doors of the Clock Tower. Perhaps there was something you could do to help out with preparations at the Stock Pot Inn or some place else.

You would have continued walking to East Clock Town if you hadn't been tapped on the shoulder by someone, in which you quickly turned around. You'd been confronted by a rather young Hylian boy who had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was clad in green. He looked to either be your age or a little bit older. He was completely unfamiliar to you.

"Excuse me, but... do you remember ever running into a Deku Scrub recently?" The kid was talking to you, and you didn't even understand what he was talking about. You hadn't encountered a Deku Scrub in you didn't even know how long.

"A Deku Scrub?" You tried your hardest to remember said Deku Scrub, but no memories would come back to you. As far as you were aware, you never ran into a Deku Scrub. "No, I'm sorry."

"...Oh. Okay then," the boy said, his unreadable expression faltering somewhat.

"Are you looking for someone?" You felt obligated to ask, as you were always up for helping people.

"No, but thank you anyways," the stranger continued, turning his blue eyed gaze away from you and beginning to walk away.

Blinking, you raised an eyebrow. This kid seemed... different. Naturally, you wanted to know his name. So, reaching out a hand to tap him on the shoulder quickly, you threw out the question.

"Wait! Do you mind telling me your name..?"

The unfamiliar boy looked at you over his shoulder, leaving his back turned to you. There was what seemed like an elongated moment of silence before he proceeded to answer you.

"Link." Another pause from the boy that you now knew as Link. "What's your name?"

"My name is ______," you answered, smiling gently at Link as you wanted to make a good impression to everyone you met. "It's nice to meet you, Link."

"You too, _______." With a very small and barely noticeable smile, Link nodded to you and then began walking away once more.

You took note of Link--and how he was carrying a sword and a shield on his back. Didn't he seem a bit young to have a sword..? You didn't know. All you knew is that you wanted to know more about this mysterious Hylian.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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