Side Dish

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"Don't you think It's too expensive?" Your eyebrows furrow looking at the price-tag.

"I'm paying. Don't worry."

"No. Jungkook, It's too expensive. Let's just go for a picnic instead."

Jungkook looks down and chuckles, something about that makes your heart skip a beat.

He wonders how he lucky is, to find such an understanding girl. He wants to hug you and protect you from everything.

It never bothered you that you work in Samsung with a big paycheck and him not having the same deposit.

You fancy him. He fancies you. You two are comfortable with each other, that's what matters to you.

"Your kimchi is the best, I swear!"

"Mom taught me." Jungkook says, munching on his instant Shin Ramyeon, all the while you devour his homemade kimchi on the side.

Jungkook appears to be amused at how you were focusing on his kimchi more than the main dish, Ramyeon.

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